Pretty straightforward agenda. We start the evening with a closed session to discuss the potential litigation regarding the California Voting Rights Act. This is followed by a study session on “Public Safety Bureau of Fire Services Standards of Cover” (and you now know as much about this as I do).
The general session starts with a presentation of the annual report from Silicon Valley Clean Energy. The consent calendar is pretty small. There’s a $900k contract for sidewalk repair and replacement. There’s a $270k settlement of a labor issue – apparently Water Pollution Control Plant workers were required for years to arrive 15 minutes early to their shifts but weren’t paid for that time, and the City has reached an agreement to address this.
Item 2 has us looking at lowering the speed limits at 35 Sunnyvale locations near 16 schools to 15 mph.
Item 3 is an appeal of a Planning Commission decision – the Commission approved redeveloping a 1/3 acre site with 6 3-story townhouses, and one of the neighbors has appealed that decision.
Item 4 has us revising our taxicab ordinances in response to changes to state laws governing taxi franchises.
And item 5 is similar to last meeting’s minimum wage issue – we need to change our municipal code to reflect a name change for the specific consumer price index that we use to calculate business license increases.