The trustees of Santa Clara Unified School District will select a new district superintendent during spring 2011. Community input about the desired characteristics to be used in recruiting and selecting this person is wanted. The trustees are soliciting input to respond to the prompt:
What personal and professional qualities for an incoming Superintendent will be a match for the Santa Clara Unified School District?
Larry Aceves and Don Iglesias of Leadership Associates were selected to advise the Board in this important process. They will be in our district on February 28 and March 1.
Individual input from members of the community (parents, employees, and other interested in our district) is desired. People may meet as individuals, in small groups, or in an Open Forum.
Input may also be offered through fax, letter or e-mail. Direct telephone conversation may also be arranged. Individual and small group appointments will be held in the district office (1889 Lawrence Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051) between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on February 28 and March 1. To arrange an appointment, call Cathy Van Pernis at (408) 423-2006 or e-mail her at
To attend and participate in an Open Forum, where your ideas will be heard and you may hear about the process, no appointment is necessary. The Open Forums will be held:
Monday, February 28 5 to 7 p.m. Santa Clara High School – Theater (3000 Benton Street) and Tuesday, March 1 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Don Callejon School – Multipurpose Room (4176 Lick Mill Blvd.)
If you are unable to meet personally with the Board’s advisors, please contact Leadership
Associates using one of the following modes:
Fax: 949-461-9119 or 909-985-7814
E-mail: or .
Phone: 949-461-9119 or 909-985-7814.