Santa Clara’s Illuminate Face & Body Bar Aims to Form “Radiant Selves”

Currently at the front desk of Santa Clara’s Illuminate Face & Body Bar (2722 Augustine Dr., Suite #120) are two big clear jars. One holds Hershey’s Kisses with purple foil wrapping and the other contains Skittles of all colors of the rainbow. Last month, these treats were given out at the spa’s promotional True Colors event, held in support of the LGBT community, where makeovers were offered to guests. Since its opening in March, the Illuminate Face & Body Bar has been offering face, body and wellness treatments to its pampered clients.

“There are six Illuminate Face & Body Bar branches,” said Roxann Bauerle, Marketing Director for the company. “Dr. Orna Fisher, our Medical Director, is a plastic surgeon. She lives in Santa Clara. She has a practice [in Palo Alto] and in Las Vegas too. We want to focus on the California market and love the idea of being in the heart of Silicon Valley to serve people who work here. Most of our locations are in higher end shopping centers, such as the Santa Clara Square Marketplace. We are staffed by highly trained professional registered nurses and nurse practitioners.”

According to the service menu, the Illuminate Face & Body Bar aims to help clients “rediscover their most radiant selves” and provide “unparalleled, non-invasive beauty and wellness services.”


Treatments for the face include the HydraFacial, Botox and IPL (Intense Pulse Light) Color Correction. Hair restoration and Body FX (body contouring) are among the services offered for the body. The wellness menu presents various forms of Vitamin IV therapies and vitamin injections. (Visit for a complete list of all services with detailed descriptions.)

“At our core, we believe in beauty from the inside out; it drives everything we do,” said Bauerle. “It was part of the reason the company was created. We saw this big advancement in medical aesthetics that contributed to our clients looking beautiful no matter where they were in their life journey. We wanted to see how we can marry wellness with this aesthetic industry. Obviously, if you feel good on the inside, you look good on the outside as well. That was the motivation for creating our wellness approach, which includes aromatherapy, meditation and a crystal offering.”

According to Bauerle, clients can hold their energy crystals and reflect on their intentions before their treatments. After their treatment, they can take their crystals home with them.

“The Illuminate experience is that when you come in, we’d offer a drink, including fresh kombucha on tap, coconut water, wine or sparkling water and a healthy snack,” Bauerle said. “And people pick their crystal. And we prepare you for your treatment. And then you pick your meditation. We created a custom meditation experience called Inner Radiance. We did that in combination with Dada — they refer to him as the Monk Dude. He helped us create our meditation based on our brand attributes, which include beauty, wellness, confidence, renewal, radiance and relaxation. For example, if someone wants to feel confident, there are meditations in 6, 9, or 12-minute time lengths offered through iPods that you can sit and listen to.”

“Yes, meditation and Botox can go together,” Bauerle continued. “We try to simplify the treatment options. We selected the best treatments that we do that give us a great result with the natural and holistic approach.”

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