Santa Clara University Warns Students After Large Weekend Parties

Santa Clara University warns that it will suspend students who break COVID-19 rules. Students have been throwing large parties near campus.Santa Clara University warns that it will suspend students who break COVID-19 rules. Students have been throwing large parties near campus.

Santa Clara University (SCU) is warning students that violating Santa Clara County’s public health order could lead dire consequences, including suspension from school.

In a letter to students on Jan. 27, Vice Provost for Student Life Jeanne Rosenberger said, “Students who are found to be responsible for hosting events on or off campus, participating in social gatherings in violation of the county order (Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited — this includes everyone present, including hosts and guests), or failing to abide by recommended isolation and quarantine recommendations are subject to a fine of $500 and suspension from the University. A student on suspension is not eligible to be enrolled at the University for a specified period of time.”

Rosenberger issued the letter after Santa Clara police officers responded to a large gathering involving SCU students. The campus newspaper, The Santa Clara, reports the Jan. 23 party was a rush event at the California Phi fraternity house on Bellomy Street. According to the police blotter, there were “approximately 100 individuals outside the residence.”


In her letter, Rosenberger said the Office of Student Life received “…numerous complaints from the large gatherings this past weekend and [is] actively following up on each report.”

According to the Santa Clara Police Department (SCPD) police blotter, there was also an incident on Jan. 22 on the 500 block of Washington St. Officers report when they arrived on scene, there were more than 100 people in the backyard.

Students who violate the county’s health orders not only face punishment from the University, but are also subject to City of Santa Clara fines. According to the City’s municipal code, the fine for a first-time violation is $150. Multiple violations within the span of a year can result in fines up to $900 for the fourth offense.

Both SCU and SCPD are encouraging people to report gatherings that may not comply with county health regulations.

“The Santa Clara Police Department encourages our community members to report noise disturbances and parties,” said SCPD Public Information Officer Cuong Phan.

Students can report incidents anonymously through the University’s misconduct form or by emailing The University also encourages students to call SCPD to make a report.

While SCU is currently conducting its winter quarter, students are not officially back on campus. In January, SCU scrapped plans to allow students to live on campus for the winter quarter, though it is still providing emergency housing to students who need it. The University currently provides regular, weekly COVID-19 testing for students who live in off-campus housing.

Provided that the county’s health orders are relaxed in time, the University hopes to bring students back to campus in March in time for the start of the spring quarter.


View Comments (5)

  • Santa Clara University officials, County officials and the PD, have all officially detached themselves from reality.

  • STUPID. SCU's actions will just force the activities into places where students are less likely to be caught but chances of infection are higher - like indoors or in a neighboring county or state where restrictions aren't as tight. And why not? The risk for dying in a traffic accident is probably only slightly less than dying of Covid in that age group. Sure, shut a party down if it gets too raucous. But if you think tighter restrictions are the answer, good luck with that. You've just played right into the hands of those who think this is all a government conspiracy to control the population. For something that will have minimal impact on mortality. If you are serious about bringing things back to normal ****FOCUS ON WHAT IS IMPORTANT****

    1) Getting everyone over 75 or who cares for someone with risk factors vaccinated. NOW
    2) Get every health care worker who has contact with patients vaccinated
    3) Get every person who is designated a "critical" worker and must show up for an indoor job vaccinated

    Just doing those three things would probably drop the rate of hospitalizations/deaths by 80% even if you lifted restrictions on EVERYTHING ELSE. Note I did NOT say infections. If you know you are at risk, wear a mask. Or isolate. Why are you forcing our entire society to suffer so you can reduce your isolation?

  • Scu brought this on themselves. As a student who goes here I am absolutely appalled with the school and their lack of flexibility and willingness to even remotely work with the students and their parents. They see us as nothing more than a dollar sign, a check for tuition. Maybe the school shouldn’t have invited students back for in person classes three times just to gaslight us and then pull the plug at the last second. Kids have expensive leases out there. This is completely Scu’s fault and they’re just trying to deflect blame and save face. They should be utterly ashamed with themselves and I hope they have a really good plan in place for next quarter because it’s honestly been over a YEAR of absolutely no updates no plans no hope for going back, and NO return on our EXPENSIVE investment...all to the tune of almost 80 grand a year. Scu has failed us.

  • What is the point of large parties ? A person may typically associate with 2-3 other people. Is it visibility or ego ? FOMO ? Grow up' and obey local laws and regulations. Just because many students hail from out of town/state, don't think laws can be abused by apathy and lack of respect. College is not a free-for-all party time. You'll somehow survive your immaturity and entitlement.

    • Hey Bill, until you’re paying 80 grand a year to be threatened, ignored, overworked, and treated to glorified Skype busywork for an entire year, keep it to yourself and go hide under your couch. It’s been a year. Stop gaslighting us

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