Dr. Gary Waddell will be taking up the helm at Santa Clara Unified School District as their new Interim Superintendent. The appointment and employment agreement were passed at the Monday, July 11 Board of Trustees meeting.
“I’m eager to roll up my sleeves and do a lot of listening and learning about this District,” said Dr. Waddell. “My passions and my work throughout my career have been about equity and creativity and shared leadership and I’m very excited to bring those to this district.”
Dr. Waddell comes to Santa Clara Unified from the Santa Clara County Office of Education where he was the Associate Superintendent of Equity, Educational Progress, and Public Affairs. Has 35 years of experience at public schools where he has served in many roles at many levels.
“Dr. Waddell comes to Santa Clara Unified with excitement for our District’s vision and values,” announced Board President Jodi Muirhead. “He comes with a passionate interest in building relationships and an impressive breadth of experience that is proven to close achievement and opportunity gaps for students.”
“He has been recognized with numerous leadership and human rights awards,” said Muirhead.
The District doesn’t miss a beat and Dr. Waddell gets started tomorrow, July 12. Dr. Waddell’s full-time employment agreement with SCUSD includes a $290,000 annual salary that is to be prorated for time served, as well as benefits.
The District needed to find a replacement after Superintendent Dr. Stella Kemp resigned at the end of the school year and tasked the Board of Trustees to find an Interim Superintendent for the upcoming year. Dr. Waddell will have the reigns until they fill the position permanently.
The Board finally gets a break after a barrage of special meetings and won’t have another regular meeting until Thursday, August 11 at 6:30 p.m.