Santa Clara Unified School District Board Meeting Roundup

March 10, 2011

Roll Call

All board members were present.

Closed Session

3.1 Discussion of expulsion of students A & B, Govt. Code 54957 – Consent Item F.9

3.2 Public Employee/Appointment/Discipline/Dismissal/Release, Govt. Code 54957 and 54954.5(e) – Consent Item F.1


3.3 Public Employee/Appointment/Discipline/Dismissal/Release, Govt. Code 54957 and 54954.5(e)

  • Certificated/Classified
  • Management

3.4 Public employee appointments, Govt. Code 54957 and 54954.5(e) – Management. Action G.2

  • Summer School Administrative Appointments

3.5 Conference with Labor Negotiators, Govt. Code Section 54957.6 and 54954(e). Agency Representatives: Steve Stavis, Brad Syth. Employee Organization: UTSC, CSEA

3.6 Potential Litigation (1 possible case) – Magnolia Science Academy Charter School Govt. Code 54956.9 (b)

  • Request for facilities

Approval of Board Minutes: February 3, 2011
The board voted unanimously to accept the minutes.

  • Reports from Closed Session.
    No votes were taken in the Closed Session.
  • Student Board Rep Reports
    Caitlin lsobe from Santa Clara High School, Jackie Greely from Wilcox High School, Victoria McGinnis from New Valley and Shayna Jones from Middle College were introduced and gave reports.

Consent Calendar
The Consent Calendar was passed unanimously.

Action Items
  • Approval of Resolution #11-03, Reduction of Particular Kinds of Services – Certificated. This item involved the financial situation of the state and its impact on the SCUSD budget. The District is facing an 8.9% cut from the budget, or approximately $8 million. Additionally, property tax revenues have decreased 4.02% which results in the District needing to make $9 million in cuts. The Board voted unanimously by a roll call vote to approve resolution 11-03. According to Superintendent, Steve Stavis, “A special meeting is needed to announce layoff notices on Monday, March 14 as notices must be sent out to certificated employees on March 15.” The Board voted to hold a special meeting to discuss layoffs on Monday, March 14.
  • Approval of the boundary between the property the District is interested in purchasing and the property Cisco Systems is interested in purchasing at the Agnews Developmental Site. The Board did not vote on this and will bring it back because of concerns about the historical items and how it’s combined with the overall design.
  • Approval of the Administrative Appointments for the Summer School 2011 Program. The Board voted unanimously to approve this.
  • Approval of the revised job description for the Technology Support Desk to Application Support Specialist.
  • Approval of the recommendation of the Reclassification Committee regarding the reclassification of the Technology Support Desk position to Application Support Specialist.
    The Board voted unanimously to approve Items 4 and 5 together.
  • Approval of the plan to purchase security/surveillance systems for SCUSD schools and to solicit RFP’s for these systems. The Board voted unanimously to approve the plan.
  • Approval of the 2011-2012 SCUSD school calendar. The Board voted unanimously with Ina Bendis absent (excused) from the dais.
  • Approval of the award of contract for Hazardous Materials Abatement for the Shops Building F at Buchser Middle School, Bid No. 921
  • Approval of the award of contract for Bid Package 21.01 – Fire Sprinkler System for the new classroom Building R at Wilcox High School, Bid No. 918.
  • Approval of award of contract for Hazardous Materials Abatement for the Science Shops and Home Economics Buildings at Peterson Middle School, Bid No 923.
  • Approval of the award of contract for Hazardous Materials Abatement for the Main Gymnasium and Boys’ Locker Room at Santa Clara High School, Bid No 924.
  • The Board voted unanimously to approve items 8-11 together with Ina Bendis absent (excused) from the dais.
  • Approval of the election of five candidates to serve a two-year term as a member of the CSBA Delegate Assembly. The Board voted unanimously approved the election with Ina Bendis absent (excused) from the dais.
  • Approval of the Facilities Use Agreement between SCUSD and Magnolia Science Academy Charter School. The board voted to postpone this until the special board meeting on Monday, March 14.
Future Board Meetings

The Board will meet on March 24, April 7, at a time to be determined, April 28 and May 12. All Board Meetings except the meeting of April 7 will start at 7pm and will be held in the District Office Board Room.