Santa Clara Police Report: October 18 – 24

The Santa Clara Police Department got multiple incident reports. One incident was an Elder Financial Abuse situation and a misuse of 9-1-1.The Santa Clara Police Department got multiple incident reports. One incident was an Elder Financial Abuse situation and a misuse of 9-1-1.

Police DUI Nigh Time Checkpoint. Police Cruiser Lights Closeup Photo.

The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the city and is distributed on a weekly basis. The Blotter provides the date, time, approximate location, a narrative summary of the incident, case number and the most serious arrest charge. Meanwhile, the Arrest Log provides a timely, chronological summary of all the arrests made by the Santa Clara Police Department. It includes the name of the suspect(s), date of birth, city in which they reside, arrest date, time, location, case number as well as all the charge(s) associated with the arrest. This information, located on the Santa Clara Police Department’s home page (, is updated daily and serves as the most comprehensive list of arrests made.


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Burglary Tool


Location: El Camino Real and Harrison Street

An officer observed a vehicle traveling on El Camino Real near Harrison Street without its taillights illuminated. The officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop.

The officer contacted the male driver. A Records check revealed the subject as on active searchable probation. A search of the vehicle revealed a controlled substance, drug paraphernalia, burglary tools, several credit and identification cards that did not belong to the subject, a cashier’s check, a large folding knife and an airsoft gun. He was arrested, transported to the Police Department’s temporary holding facility and released with a Notice to Appear. The vehicle was towed from the scene.

Time: 2029

Case Numbers: 20-1018178


Monday, October 19, 2020

Elder Financial Abuse

Location: Police Building, 601 El Camino Real

From approximately 10/10/20 – 10/19/20 an elderly resident has been in phone communication with an unknown male subject. The subject convinced the victim of a lottery windfall and that the victim needed to pay the state taxes on the winnings before they could be received. The subject persuaded the victim into sending $3,000 in money orders via one-day mail to a hotel out of state.

Time: 1739

Case Number: 20-1019084


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

City Ordinance

Location: Buckingham Drive and Stevens Creek Boulevard

Public Safety Dispatchers received a call regarding a small fire along the gutter on Stevens Creek Boulevard.

Upon arrival, an officer detained a subject matching the reporting party’s description. The subject, in possession of a 40-gallon drum of an accelerant, lit a small fire to cook a can of beans.

The Santa Clara Fire Department was summoned to the scene and determined the container consisted of approximately 2-3 liters of Acetone. The Fire Department took possession of the hazardous container for proper disposal.

The subject was issued a citation and released at the scene.

Time: 0715

Case Number: 20-1020022


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Petty Theft

Location: 3300 Block of Octavius Drive

At approximately 0030 hours, an officer was dispatched to the 3300 block of Octavius Drive on the report of a prior theft.

The victim observed two male subjects pushing a bicycle outside of the residential complex, placing it into a vehicle and leaving the scene. The victim looked inside a bicycle storage locker and saw that the lock had been cut. The subjects left a backpack and bolt cutters at the scene.

The subjects are unknown and remain at large.

Time: 0030

Case Number: 20-1021006


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Misuse of 9-1-1 System

Location: 1500 Block of Newhall Street

Between 10/11/20 and 10/14/20, Public Safety Dispatchers reported that a subject has called the City’s Communications Center via the emergency “9-1-1” line on 97 occasions, from two separate phone numbers. In each of the calls, the subject did not report a crime, medical emergency, fire, or any situation that would require an immediate response. Instead, the caller attempts to engage in conversations about personal matters or make derogatory or expletive comments. These types of calls tie up phone lines needlessly and burden Public Safety Dispatchers attempting to triage real police, fire and medical emergencies.

For customer service-related inquiries (e.g. obtain a copy of a police report, get a ticket signed off, etc.), residents are encouraged to call 408-615-4700 (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.; Closed Sunday). For non-emergency situations requiring police attention (e.g. loud party, barking dog, graffiti, vandalism, etc.) call 408-615-5580. In an emergency (e.g. fire, life threatening medical condition, burglary in progress, traffic accident with injuries, etc.) dial 9-1-1. Please do not use social media to report issues requiring police, fire or medical response; it is not monitored regularly.

This matter has been assigned to the Police Department’s Community Response Team (CRT) for follow-up.

Time: 1030

Case Number: 20-1022059


NOTE: The Police Department’s Community Response Team (CRT) manages a caseload pertaining to quality of life issues and offenses, often among vulnerable populations, such as conflicts among neighbors, blight, drug activity, prostitution, homelessness, etc. CRT’s function has many community benefits, including addressing long-term public safety issues, allowing patrol officers to focus on in-progress events, community engagement and proactive police work.

In 2020, CRT added two Crisis Intervention Specialist positions to the team. The Specialists coordinate and support beneficial outcomes for persons with mental illness who have come to the attention of the Department.


Friday, October 23, 2020


Location: 800 Block of Poplar Street

Public Safety Dispatchers received a call for service on the 800 block of Poplar Street.

On arrival, the officer observed approximately 5-10 individuals outside the residence; another 6-10 individuals were inside. Amplified music was being played. Alcohol and tobacco projects were present and being consumed by minors. The party host was cooperative, and the party was immediately shut down. This is the second notice to this residence. The property owner will be made aware of what is occurring at their property and may pass along administrative fee(s) to their residents.

Time: 2130

Case Number: 20-1023158


Saturday, October 24, 2020


Location: 2500 Block of Painted Rock Drive

A resident came to the Police Building to report a prior vandalism.

On 10/23/20 between 1530 hours to 1845 hours, the victim’s right front tire was slashed on the 2500 block of Painted Rock Drive. The damage was estimated at $105. The subject(s) is unknown and at large.

Time: 1235

Case Number: 20-1024143


During these challenging times, if you find yourself in a troubling situation, the Santa Clara Police Department encourages you to utilize the following community resources:

  • Disaster Distress Helpline, 800-985-5990
  • Domestic Violence Crisis Line, 800-799-7233
  • Emergency, 9-1-1
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness, 800-950-6264 or text 741741
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 800-273-8255
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 800-662-4357
  • Veteran’s Crisis Line, 800-273-8255


For accurate Coronavirus information:


View Comments (1)

  • To EXPAND crime in our city of Santa Clara, vote for Harbir Bhatia, Kevin Park, Suds Jain, and Anthony Becker, all of whom HATE the Police and Fire Fighters... that is ok if you can protect your family against the rioters and klan!

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