Santa Clara Police Report: January 31 – February 6

The Santa Clara Police Department had incidents of felony embezzlement, there was a loud party, and a missing person who was elderly.The Santa Clara Police Department had incidents of felony embezzlement, there was a loud party, and a missing person who was elderly.

Police DUI Nigh Time Checkpoint. Police Cruiser Lights Closeup Photo.

The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the city and is distributed on a weekly basis. The Blotter provides the date, time, approximate location, a narrative summary of the incident, case number and the most serious arrest charge.

Meanwhile, the Arrest Log provides a timely, chronological summary of all the arrests made by the Santa Clara Police Department. It includes the name of the suspect(s), date of birth, city in which they reside, arrest date, time, location, case number as well as all the charge(s) associated with the arrest. This information, located on the Santa Clara Police Department’s home page (, is updated daily and serves as the most comprehensive list of arrests made.

Based on the mandatory orders from Santa Clara County Public Health, the City of Santa Clara has implemented many service level changes, limited to essential services. Since the preparation and distribution of a Police Blotter is not an essential service, it will be produced as resources are available.



Sunday, January 31, 2021

Petty Theft

Location: 1600 Block of Coleman Avenue

Public Safety Dispatchers received a call regarding a shoplifting in progress at a business on the 1600 block of Coleman Avenue. A reporting party observed three subjects (two male and one female) opening merchandise and concealing the items inside the store.

Responding officers detained all three subjects as they exited the store. A Records check revealed one of the male subject’s had a misdemeanor warrant. Approximately $249.91 in items were recovered. The subjects were arrested and released from the scene.

Time: 1346

Case Number: 21-131086


Monday, February 1, 2021

Stolen Vehicle

Location: 1100 Block of Martin Avenue

The victim last saw the business vehicle at approximately 1700 hours on 1/29/21 on the 1100 block of Martin Avenue. On 2/1/21, at approximately 0936 hours the vehicle was reported stolen.

The subject(s) are unknown and at large.

Time:  0936

Case Number: 21-201045


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Felony Embezzlement

Location: 2800 Block of Kifer Road

An employee of a business on the 2800 block of Kifer Road was under internal investigation for embezzlement when the employee unexpectedly resigned.

The company’s loss prevention staff determined the employee had marked down prices significantly for a particular customer. The customer in return, paid the former employee with $500 in cash on the side. The total loss to the company is estimated at $5,139.

Time: 1000

Case Number: 21-202053


Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Location: 2100 Block of Newhall Street

An unknown subject(s) opened a mail pedestal on the 2100 block of Newhall Street with a key and stole the contents. The value of the stolen items is unknown, and the subject is at large.

Time: 1025

Case Number: 21-203089



Location: 2800 Block of Augustine Drive

Public Safety Dispatchers received a call for service regarding a prior vandalism on the 2800 block of Augustine Drive.

An unidentified subject(s) broke the rear, driver’s side window of the victim’s vehicle during an apparent theft attempt. The subject(s) did not take anything and is at large. The cost to replace the window is estimated at $250.

Time: 1730

Case Number: 21-203178


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Missing Person

Location: 700 Block of Lawrence Expressway

At approximately 1300 hours, the daughter of Mr. Do picked up a prescription and received an injection before placing her father on a bench in front of Kaiser Hospital while she went to get the car. When she returned at approximately 1315 hours, Mr. Do was missing.

A Kaiser staff member called Public Safety Dispatchers at approximately 1434 hours. Mr. Do was determined to be a high-risk 99-year-old gentleman with Alzheimer’s.

Mr. Do was tracked on video surveillance camera to the northwest corner of the Kaiser campus and was last seen walking towards Homestead Road. Multiple police units responded to the area. A Trak Flyer was released to surrounding law enforcement agencies. The Santa Clara County Sheriff Department Air Unit searched the area to no avail. This case eventually met the criteria established by the California Highway Patrol to issue a Silver Alert and a Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department Search and Rescue tracking dog was deployed.

Mr. Do was located by a member of the public on the 3700 block of El Camino Real at approximately 2016 hours. The Santa Clara Fire Department was deployed to conduct a health evaluation and Mr. Do was reunited with his family.

Time: 1434

Case Number: 21-204125


Friday, February 5, 2021

Commercial Burglary

Location: 1900 Block of Lafayette Street

A victim discovered a storage unit on the 1900 block of Lafayette Street had been broken into. Approximately $4,000 in property was stolen by an unknown subject.

The incident could have occurred anytime over the last three months and there is no subject information.

Time: 1030

Case Number: 21-205061


Saturday, February 6, 2021

Loud Party

Location:  600 Block of Lafayette Street

Public Safety Dispatchers received a call for service regarding approximately 15 individuals gathered outside with amplified music on the 600 block of Lafayette Street playing “beer pong.” Minors were not in possession of alcohol and the residents were cooperative on police contact. A warning was issued.

Time: 1413

Case Number: 21-206080


NOTE: From September 1, 2020 through February 4, 2021, the Police Department has issued 59 special response notices, resulting in 40 administrative citations totaling $16,950 in fines to property owners and/or property managers.


During these challenging times, if you find yourself in a troubling situation, the Santa Clara Police Department encourages you to utilize the following community resources:

  • Disaster Distress Helpline, 800-985-5990
  • Domestic Violence Crisis Line, 800-799-7233
  • Emergency, 9-1-1
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness, 800-950-6264 or text 741741
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 800-273-8255
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 800-662-4357
  • Veteran’s Crisis Line, 800-273-8255


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