Santa Clara Police Report: April 4 – 10

The Santa Clara Police Department had several incidents of Fraud and also an incident of a Stolen Vehicle.The Santa Clara Police Department had several incidents of Fraud and also an incident of a Stolen Vehicle.

Police DUI Nigh Time Checkpoint. Police Cruiser Lights Closeup Photo.

The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the city and is distributed on a weekly basis. The Blotter provides the date, time, approximate location, a narrative summary of the incident, case number and the most serious arrest charge.

Meanwhile, the Arrest Log provides a timely, chronological summary of all the arrests made by the Santa Clara Police Department. It includes the name of the suspect(s), date of birth, city in which they reside, arrest date, time, location, case number as well as all the charge(s) associated with the arrest. This information, located on the Santa Clara Police Department’s home page (, is updated daily and serves as the most comprehensive list of arrests made.

Based on the mandatory orders from Santa Clara County Public Health, the City of Santa Clara has implemented many service level changes, limited to essential services. Since the preparation and distribution of a Police Blotter is not an essential service, it will be produced as resources are available.



Sunday, April 4, 2021


Location: 2600 Block of Donovan Avenue

Public Safety Dispatchers received a call for service regarding a vandalism that had occurred on the 2600 block of Donovan Avenue.

On 4/1/21, the victim noticed a broken rear driver’s side window on their vehicle. In talking with neighbors, multiple other neighbors on the street had experiences broken windows or vehicles that had been shot with a BB as well (SCPD case #21-330075). The victim was encouraged to report the incident.

The arriving officer confirmed a BB gun was used to cause the damage and took a police report. The damage was estimated at $520. The unknown subject(s) are at large.

Time:  0958

Case Number: 21-404045


Monday, April 5, 2021

Petty Theft

Location: 2200 Block of El Camino Real

On 3/26/2021 at approximately 1736 hours, a theft occurred at a bank on the 2200 block of El Camino Real.

An unknown subject approached the victim at the automated teller machine asking the victim to deposit an $800 check into the ATM and provide the suspect with $760 in return. The victim complied. There was not any force, intimidation, or threats during this interaction.

The following day, the victim learned the bank account has been closed for depositing a fraudulent check. After working with the bank, the victim learned a police report was required to take further action.

The subject is unidentified and at large.

Time:  1223

Case Number: 21-405062


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Stolen Vehicle

Location: 1300 Block of Coleman Avenue

A victim parked a vehicle in front of a business on 4/3/21 at approximately 1800 hours. Upon return on 4/6/21 at approximately 0858 hours, the vehicle was missing.  An unknown subject(s) stole a black car carrier trailer. The trailer hitch was secured with a lock and it was not attached to the vehicle.

Time:  0858

Case Number: 21-406041


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Resisting Arrest

Location: Monroe Street and Sahara Way

An officer traveling on Monroe Street near Cabrillo Avenue observed a vehicle with a partially removed 2021 registration tab. The officer conducted a DMV check and learned the vehicle was last registered in March 2018. The officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop.

The female driver had never been issued a driver license and did not have insurance for the vehicle.

The subject was issued a citation and released from the scene. She gathered a few belongings from the vehicle and thanked the officer for service to our community. The officer requested the vehicle be towed.

At approximately 2149 hours, the officer heard a male subject yelling expletives and running toward the officer in an aggressive manner. The officer gave the subject commands however the subject continued to approach the officer in a combative stance. The officer unholstered a Department-issued Conducted Electrical Weapon until additional police resources arrived on the scene. The subject eventually complied despite continuing to be verbally aggressive.

The subject was determined to be upset about the vehicle being towed. He was arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.

Time:  2114

Case Number: 21-407125


Thursday, April 8, 2021


Location: 3500 Block of Stevens Creek Boulevard

Public Safety Dispatchers deployed an officer to a business on the 3500 block of Stevens Creek Boulevard for a fraud report.

Through investigation, it was determined the victim accidentally left a wallet in a rental car which was returned to the business on 4/6/21. On 4/7/21, the victim was contacted by their bank about three fraudulent credit card purchases totaling $507.68. Another charge of $1,535.49 was attempted but declined. An additional $550 in cash and gift cards were lost with the wallet, in addition to personal identifying information.

The subject(s) are unknown and at large.

Time:  0759

Case Number: 21-408021


Friday, April 9, 2021


Location: 100 Block of Saratoga Avenue

An officer responded to the 100 block of Saratoga Avenue to meet with a victim of fraud.

It was determined two of the victim’s checks were obtained by unknown means and cashed at two separate financial institutions for a total loss of $1,700. This case has been forwarded to the Investigations Division for follow-up.

Time:  1625

Case Number: 21-409095


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Loud Party

Location: 900 Block of Bellomy Street

Public Safety Dispatchers received a call for service regarding a disturbance on the 900 block of Bellomy Street.

On arrival, the officer observed subjects playing basketball in the backyard, and heard amplified music and loud voices. Alcohol was present and residents were cooperative on police contact. The officer issued a special response notice.

Time:  1531

Case Number: 21-410080


During these challenging times, if you find yourself in a troubling situation, the Santa Clara Police Department encourages you to utilize the following community resources:

  • Disaster Distress Helpline, 800-985-5990
  • Domestic Violence Crisis Line, 800-799-7233
  • Emergency, 9-1-1
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness, 800-950-6264 or text 741741
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 800-273-8255
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 800-662-4357
  • Veteran’s Crisis Line, 800-273-8255


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