Santa Clara Adds to Housing Stock, Council Approves Nearly 2K Apartments

The Santa Clara City Council approved two new housing developments, one on Mission College Boulevard and the other Stevens Creek Boulevard.The Santa Clara City Council approved two new housing developments, one on Mission College Boulevard and the other Stevens Creek Boulevard.

Santa Clara will get another massive housing development.

At its most recent meeting, March 25, the Santa Clara City Council unanimously approved adding nearly 1,800 apartments to its housing stock. The Irvine Company development, located at 2518 Mission College Blvd., will feature a large swath of below-market-rate apartments.

In addition to 75 apartments listed as “very low” income — i.e., 50% area median income (AMI) — and 194 apartments listed as “moderate income” — i.e., 100% AMI — the development boasts 70% of its apartments as “affordable by design.” These apartments are earmarked for teachers, students and tech workers.


The project required a general plan amendment and a rezoning to planned development.

“It is a very connected overall site, and it is thoughtfully designed,” said Afshan Hamid, community development director. “The intent of the PD zoning is really to allow for creative design solutions and land uses that would not otherwise be allowed by our zoning code.”

The “creative design solution and land use” was that the project offered more parking and the planting of more trees than a typical development, Hamid said.

In addition to a public cafe and nearly four acres of public parks, the project — located on 25.7 acres of land near Levi’s Stadium, the Santa Clara Convention Center and Great America — will feature a fitness center and public pool. The five buildings’ “wrap around” design will hide the parking garages.

Carlene Matchniff, with the Irvine Company, said 67% of the apartments are “smart-sized,” ranging from 385 square feet to 1,390 square feet. The project will reduce vehicle miles traveled by 20%, she added.

Public commenters largely supported the project.

“The vision for this area to the north and east of Mission College will result in a more vibrant and better integrated neighborhood for those who live and/or work in this part of Santa Clara,” said Anne Kemper.

The closest thing to criticism to the Irvine Company development came from local housing advocate group Catalyze SV.

Jake Wilde, with Catalyze SV, said the development seemed kind of “boxed in,” adding that the 3,500 square feet of retail it features is insufficient.

However, many public commenters lauded the project’s design, its adding to the housing stock and connectivity to transit in an area where it is needed.

Mary Grizzle, with Reclaiming Our Downtown, said the project is similar to what she would like to see for the city’s downtown.

“I am eager to see shovels in the ground for this project as soon as possible,” she said.

One point of contention was a traffic signal as part of the project.

Mayor Lisa Gillmor and Council Member Karen Hardy both expressed skepticism that traffic studies that concluded the traffic light’s necessity were warranted.

City Manager Jovan Grogan said city employees will return to the council for a study session to illuminate the work that went into that determination.

Although she was stridently critical of the need for the traffic signal, which Irvine would pay for, Gillmor supported the project, saying Irvine has proven it is “doing things the right way,” adding that she believes the project will be a “catalyst” for other development.

Below-Market-Rate Housing Development Gets Refinanced

The council also unanimously approved issuing tax-exempt bonds for another development that adds to the city’s housing stock.

All the apartments in the development, located 3941 Stevens Creek Blvd., are below-market-rate housing. The 59-apartment complex is already built and required the council to approve $50 million in bonds to shift financing from construction financing to permanent financing.

Hamid called the action a “minor increase,” one that was simply a “procedural action.”

“This does not make the city responsible for the project financially,” Hamid said.

No members of the public commented on the item, and the council approved it unanimously.

Consent Calendar Spending

The council approved the following spending in one motion via the consent calendar:

  • A $7 million amendment to a contract with Electrical Maintenance Consultants, Brush Americas, and Mitsubishi Power Americas, Inc. for generator maintenance. Total contract is now $10 million.

The next scheduled meeting is Thursday, April 3 at 9 a.m. in the Redwood Room at the Central Park Library, 2635 Homestead Road, in Santa Clara.

Members of the public can participate in the City Council meetings on Zoom at; Meeting ID: 997-0675-9306 or call 1 (669) 900-6833, via the City’s eComment (available during the meeting) or by email to

Contact David Alexander at

Previous City Council Meetings:
Stadium Authority Approves Budget With Contentious Item Removed
Council Narrowly Approves Bike Lane Road Modifications
Council’s “Hands Are Tied” in Cell Tower Approval


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