The Rotary Club of Santa Clara (www.santaclararotary.org), once again, hosts its annual community giving project “Steps For Success.” This project provides school children from low-income families with a new pair of shoes, socks and a library book. The project aims to ensure that students have properly fitted shoes for school and physical education classes.
Santa Clara Rotarians volunteer their time and donate funds to this giving project. Santa Clara Rotary and The Interact Club, a Rotary sponsored high school group, work together to provide a craft project to entertain children the day of the event. Rotary partners with the Santa Clara Library Foundation to give each student a new book.
“For 17 years, the Rotary Club of Santa Clara has given over 8,000 pairs of shoes to low income families to children attending the Santa Clara Unified School District,” said Steve Rainbolt, Rotary club president. “Our goal is to give a free pair of athletic shoes, socks and a book to preschool, kindergarten and first grade students and their brothers and sisters through fifth grade. This is a special project, well worth the outcome, and another way we serve the community.”
Steps for Success takes place in early October for selected Santa Clara Unified District elementary schools.
In addition to “Steps for Success,” Rotary also provides support, donations and volunteers for many local community programs such as:
- College Scholarships
- Christmas for Kids
- Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
- Interact Clubs, and speech contest
- Enterprise Leadership Conference
The club awards grants to over 14 local non-profit groups, and holds a drive each year to support Rotary International’s work to eradicate polio worldwide.
About the Rotary Club of Santa Clara
The Rotary Club of Santa Clara, established in 1936, is dedicated to serving the local and world community. Composed of business and community leaders, the club designs its many projects to illustrate the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self.”