Pulling Together as a Team

After claiming the Cal North State Cup Championship, Santa Clara Sporting’s Santa U13 Boy’s team is raising funds to compete in the Far West Regionals June 17-23 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

As of March 20, the team was ranked No. 1 in Northern California and No. 3 in the nation according to GotSoccer.com – a feat that no other California team, in any age group, has achieved.

While this is a dream come true for many of the boys, the team has decided if one team member is not able to go due to financial difficulties, then the whole team would not go.


Thus, the team has branded together in generating community support and involvement to make the team’s dream a reality.

The team is a member of in HOPEMOB.org, the only fee-free platform, as a means to generate the necessary funds to attend the Western Regionals. Visit http://hopemob.org/s/1fa-pulling-together-as-a-team-team-dreams-of-competing-at-western-regionals to make a donation toward the team’s Hawaii competition.