Police Report: Sept. 2 – 9

The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the City and is distributed on a weekly basis. The Blotter provides the date, time, approximate location, a narrative summary of the incident, case number and the most serious arrest charge. 

Meanwhile, the Arrest Log provides a timely, chronological summary of all of the arrests made by the Santa Clara Police Department. It includes the name of the suspect(s), date of birth, city in which they reside, arrest date, time, location, case number as well as all of the charge(s) associated with the arrest. This information, located on the Santa Clara Police Department’s home page (www.scpd.org), is updated daily and serves as the most comprehensive list of arrests made.


Sunday, September 2, 2018


Vehicle Theft

Location:  Central Expressway and Lafayette Street

An officer observed a vehicle traveling westbound on Central Expressway near Lafayette Street. A check of the vehicle’s license plate showed it to be registered to a 2016 Toyota; however, the body style resembled a 2007-2011. The officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop to investigate the discrepancy.

The vehicle was occupied by two males; the passenger was a juvenile. A Records check of the vehicle identification number revealed it was reported stolen out of Sunnyvale. The driver was arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail. The juvenile was transported home and the officer shared the details of the incident with his mother.

Time: 1927

Case Number: 18-8210


Monday, September 3, 2018

Driving Under the Influence

Location: Santa Maria Avenue and Francis Avenue

Officers were dispatched to a possible hit and run in the area of Santa Maria Avenue and Francis Avenue. Upon arrival, the suspect vehicle was no longer at the scene.

An oil trail led officers to a parked vehicle approximately two blocks away. The officers contacted a male subject sleeping in the rear seat of the vehicle whom admitted to being involved in a collision. Outside the vehicle were several open/empty alcohol bottles. The subject displayed objective symptoms of alcohol intoxication. He did not satisfactorily perform the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and his blood alcohol content measured 0.146 and 0.155. He was arrested and transported to the Police Building.

Time: 0838

Case Number: 18-8222


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Residential Burglary

Location: 2000 Block of Sahara Way

Public Safety Dispatchers received a call regarding an interrupted residential burglary.

Officers responded to the 2000 block of Sahara Way to learn an unidentified male suspect entered a residence through a window and stole a wallet before the resident interrupted the burglary. The victim chased the suspect out of the residence. As a result, there was a reporting delay.

Officers circulated the area but were unable to locate the suspect.

Time: 902

Case Number: 18-8241



Location:  3100 Block of Lakeside Drive

A female subject entered a hotel on the 3100 block of Lakeside Drive and applied for a job. According to hotel staff and security camera footage, the subject concealed an employee’s purse on her person and left the hotel. The subject left in a vehicle occupied by a male subject. The application submitted had personal identifying information for the female subject.

An officer called the female suspect who agreed to return to the scene with the purse. Instead, the male subject returned to the scene with purse. He was arrested for possession of stolen property and possession of a collapsible baton. All of the stolen property was recovered and returned to the victim.

Inside the victim’s purse were receipts showing the suspects had successfully used the victim’s credit card to withdraw money.

The female subject is still outstanding.

Time: 1619

Case Number: 18-8267


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Warrant Arrest

Location:  Saratoga Avenue and Stevens Creek Boulevard

An officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop on a vehicle for equipment violations near Saratoga Avenue and Stevens Creek Boulevard.

A Records check revealed the male driver had a misdemeanor warrant and was driving with a suspended license. He was arrested without incident.

Time: 2347

Case Number: 18-8313


NOTE:  Uniformed officers had a presence at Don Callejon Middle School, Buchser Middle School, and Cabrillo Middle School following social media posts and local media reports regarding a residential burglary in which a middle school student was involved. The following was distributed to affected families from Santa Clara Unified School District:

Dear Santa Clara Unified Staff and Families:

As you may be aware from social media posts and local media reports, last week, there was a residential burglary in Santa Clara in which a middle school student was possibly involved. During the burglary, several items were stolen, but the most concerning were a handgun and ammunition.  

Understandably, there are many concerns that arise with this and we are writing to share the facts we know and assure you that student and staff safety is a priority for both the school district and the police department. We partner to do everything in our power to keep our schools as safe as possible. Santa Clara Police Department has confirmed to us that there is no known threat to student, staff, or school safety.

Santa Clara Unified School District has been aware of the situation and has been fully cooperating with the police investigation. We appreciate our partnership with the police department in maintaining timely communication and updates, and for providing an additional police presence at our middle school sites today as a comfort measure for our community while the investigation continues.

While there is no threat to our school sites, this is still a highly concerning situation and we are all hopeful for a speedy conclusion of the investigation. If you have any information that could help the investigation, please contact the Santa Clara Police Department at (408) 615-4700. 


Santa Clara Unified School District


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Missing Person – At Risk

Location:  3700 Block of Poinciana Drive

A 65-year-old, at-risk female was last seen at approximately 2 p.m. on the 3700 block of Poinciana Drive. She walks with a walker and has several medical issues, which require medication.

Public Assistance was sought, as was the assistance of the Santa Clara County Search and Rescue Team and Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety.

The missing person was located overnight in Fresno. SCPD thanked the community for its efforts to locate her.

Time: 1436

Case Number: 18-8336


Friday, September 7, 2018

Warrant Arrest

Location:  The Alameda and Newhall Street

An officer conducted a traffic enforcement stop on The Alameda after observing the vehicle without a front license plate.

The vehicle contained two occupants; a male driver and female passenger. A Records check revealed the passenger had two outstanding no-bail warrants. A search of her person yielded a glass drug-smoking pipe. She was arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.

Time: 2204

Case Number: 18-8387


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Resisting Arrest

Location: Lafayette Street and Walsh Avenue

An officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop on a bicyclist without a forward facing light during hours of darkness. The male suspect failed to yield to the lights, siren and lawful orders to stop. The suspect crashed the bicycle and fled on foot.

A perimeter was established and the suspect was not located.

Time: 0408

Case Number: 18-8391


Sunday, September 9, 2018

Assault with a Deadly Weapon

Location: Mayellen Avenue and Scott Street, San Jose

The Press Release detailing the San Jose Police Department’s investigation of an officer involved shooting by a member of the Santa Clara Police Department is available here.


See last week’s police report here.

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