Police Report

Police Blotter highlightsPolice Blotter highlights

The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the city and is distributed on a weekly basis. The Blotter provides the date, time, approximate location, a narrative summary of the incident, case number and the most serious arrest charge. 

Meanwhile, the Arrest Log provides a timely, chronological summary of all of the arrests made by the Santa Clara Police Department. It includes the name of the suspect(s), date of birth, city in which they reside, arrest date, time, location, case number as well as all of the charge(s) associated with the arrest. This information, located on the Santa Clara Police Department’s home page (www.scpd.org), is updated daily and serves as the most comprehensive list of arrests made.


Sunday, March 11, 2018


Drug Arrest

Location:  El Camino Real at Benton Street

An officer observed a vehicle with its rear license plate covered in the area of El Camino Real and Benton Street. The officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop and made contact with a female driver and male passenger.

A Records check revealed the driver had a suspended driver’s license and expired registration. The driver was also unable to provide proof of insurance. She was arrested.

The passenger consented to a search of his person which yielded a controlled substance. He was arrested.

Time: 2141

Case Number: 18-2289


Monday, March 12, 2018

Residential Burglary

Location: 2300 Block of Glendenning Avenue

A resident overhead the garage door opening to the residence and went to investigate. The victim observed three male subjects in the garage and another male subject in the victim’s vehicle. The vehicle was unlocked and parked in the driveway. The suspects immediately fled on foot when they saw the victim.

An officer contacted three males matching the description of the burglars near Winchester Avenue and Forest Avenue. All three suspects were juveniles, ages 14, 16 and 16. The suspects confessed to unlawfully entering the victim’s garage and stealing a garage remote control. The suspects were issued Juvenile Crime Reports before being released to their parents/guardians.

Time: 0009

Case Number: 18-2292


Commercial Burglary

Location: 5300 Block of Betsy Ross Drive

An officer was deployed to the 5300 block of Betsy Ross Drive on the report of a commercial burglary.

An unknown suspect(s) broke into a lock box and used the key to access a roll-up door. While inside, the suspects stole five (5) large tool boxes and a generator. The value of the items was estimated at $20,000. The suspect(s) remain at large.

Time: 0907

Case Number: 18-2301


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Strong Arm Robbery

Location:  El Camino Real and The Alameda

Public Safety Dispatchers received a call regarding a strong armed robbery.

Upon arrival, officers learned a victim was waiting for a ride when three male suspects approached the victim. One of the suspects produced a handgun and pointed it at the victim and demanded the victim’s belongings. The suspects robbed the victim of a backpack, wallet, cell phone and laptop. The suspects fled on foot.

Officers arrived on scene and set a perimeter in an attempt to contain the suspects in their last known location. A search was conducted with negative results for the suspects or the victim’s possessions.

Time: 0241

Case Number: 18-2324



Location:  4600 Block of Patrick Henry Drive

SCPD’s Nuisance Suppression Unit conducted a pre-planned sweep of the Calabazas Creek with the Santa Clara Valley Water District, between Tasman Drive and Oak Creek Way.

A male subject slashed a Water District truck tire and fled the scene on foot. The officer tracked the suspect through several people’s backyards before apprehending the suspect for vandalism, resisting arrest, trespassing and being under the influence of drugs.  The suspect was transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.

Time: 0757

Case Number: 18-2331


Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Location: 2600 Block of De La Cruz Boulevard

A reporting party informed Public Safety Dispatchers of a potential burglary in progress.

Upon arrival, an officer discovered the main front glass door to a business had been shattered.  Officers set up a perimeter around the business and utilized the assistance of a Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety K-9 to assist in clearing the inside of the building. The unknown suspect(s) were not located and remain at large. It was unknown if anything was missing from the business.

Time: 2219

Case Number: 18-2382


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Petty Theft

Location: 4400 Block of Stevens Creek Boulevard

An unknown male subject entered a business on the 4400 block of Stevens Creek Boulevard and stole approximately $120 from an unattended store cash register. The subject fled the store in an unknown direction and was not located.

Time: 0925

Case Number: 18-2394


Friday, March 16, 2018

Strong Arm Robbery

Location:  3100 Block of Stevens Creek Boulevard

A female suspect entered a business on the 3100 block of Stevens Creek Boulevard and concealed several items under her jacket and ran out the door. The victim pursued the suspect to the first row of parking stalls where the suspect had gotten into an occupied vehicle. The victim attempted to grab the stolen property from the suspect. The suspect began scratching the victim on the face and back.

A male suspect was the getaway driver. He exited the vehicle and helped the female suspect break free from the victim before fleeing the scene. The stolen property was dropped during the altercation.  The suspect remains at large.

Time: 1548

Case Number: 18-2430


Saturday, March 17, 2018

Driving Under the Influence

Location: N Bascom Avenue and University Avenue

Officers were working a special detail focused on alcohol related crimes paid for via a grant from the California Alcoholic Beverage Control.

The officers observed a vehicle straddling two lanes of N Bascom Avenue. The vehicle almost struck a vehicle in the #1 lane and jerked the steering wheel to avoid a collision. The vehicle struck curb, came back into traffic and struck the curb on the opposite side of the street before coming to a stop. The officers initiated a traffic enforcement stop and approached the male driver and female passenger.

The officers observed objective symptoms of alcohol intoxication. The driver was led through the Standardized Field Sobriety tests and took a Preliminary Alcohol Screening test. His blood alcohol content was 0.327 and 0.328.

The female passenger also exhibited signs of alcohol intoxication. She had difficulty following instructions and was unable to care for herself or others. A Preliminary Alcohol Screening test revealed she had a blood alcohol content of 0.29.

Both suspects were arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.

Time: 1943

Case Number: 18-2468


NOTE:            Over the past four years, SCPD has been awarded $295,836 in California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Grant Assistance Program (GAP) funding. GAP funding allows SCPD to conduct increased visits to problem alcoholic beverage outlets, undercover enforcement operations, saturation patrols, educational workshops and build a stronger relationship between local businesses, community members and law enforcement.

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