Police Report

The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the city and is distributed on a weekly basis. The Blotter provides the date, time, approximate location, a narrative summary of the incident, case number and the most serious arrest charge.

 Meanwhile, the Arrest Log provides a timely, chronological summary of all of the arrests made by the Santa Clara Police Department. It includes the name of the suspect(s), date of birth, city in which they reside, arrest date, time, location, case number as well as all of the charge(s) associated with the arrest. This information, located on the Santa Clara Police Department’s home page (www.scpd.org), is updated daily and serves as the most comprehensive list of arrests made.

 Sunday, August 20, 2017


Weapons                                           Location: 3200 Block of Mission College Boulevard

An officer was deployed to the alley behind a business on the 3200 block of Mission College Boulevard on the report of a man with a gun. Two subjects, one male and one juvenile female, were located. The male subject admitted to altering one of the two BB guns in the vehicle for a “Snapchat” music video. He was issued a citation and received a Notice to Appear.

Time: 1809

Case Number: 17-7163

NOTE:  There is very little difference between a real gun and toy gun making it difficult for law enforcement to distinguish the difference. As a result, the Santa Clara Police Department offers the following recommendations that may prevent a police officer, security guard or concealed carrying citizen from mistaking a fake gun for the real thing.

  • Do not alter the orange muzzle tip on a fake weapon;
  • When moving fake guns from home to a playing area, they should be in a case and not visible;
  • Replica weapons should be used in a controlled environment, not in public (e.g. park, alley, school campus);
  • Adult supervision is strongly encouraged when replica weapons are present;
  • Wear proper protective equipment;
  • Parents should educate themselves and their children on gun safety, including but not limited to applicable laws, proper respect, handling and operation of fake guns;
  • Parents should have their child complete a firearms safety course before using replica firearms; and,
  • Parents should teach their children appropriate response to a law enforcement

encounter (e.g. drop the weapon immediately, keep hands visible).

If you would like to safely dispose of a replica weapon, call the Santa Clara Police Building to schedule an appointment at (408)615-4700.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Residential Burglary                                   Location: 700 Block of Harrison Street

An officer was dispatched to the 700 block of Harrison Street on the report of a residential burglary in progress. The suspect entered the residence through an unlocked front door. Once inside the residence, the suspect stole a black backpack containing a laptop, valued at $1,600. The victim heard a noise downstairs and located an unknown suspect in the residence. The unknown suspect fled the residence.

Time: 0403

Case Number: 17-7180

 Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Assist Other Law Enforcement Agency               Location: 3200 Block of Agate Drive

At approximately 0630 hours, Special Enforcement Team Detectives assisted the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office with a warrant service on the 3200 block of Agate Drove.  During the service, three males and one female were detained inside the residence.

During the search, controlled substances were located inside the residence including marijuana, Xanax and methamphetamine. Indicia was also located inside the residence, including mail and a signed copy of the search warrant SCPD executed at this same residence on 1/6/17. The items were collected by the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office for evidence. All detained parties were taken into custody and transported to the temporary holding facility in the City of Santa Clara’s Police Building.

Time: 0630

Case Number: 17-7212 (Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office report number 17-234-0060I)

 Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Liquor                                                 Location: 3700 Block of Lafayette Street

Three minor decoys wearing a concealed microphone device stood in front of a business on the 3700 block of Lafayette Street. Decoy #1, age 17, approached a male subject and asked him if he would buy a Corona for her. The subject agreed and took $20 from the Decoy.

The subject entered the store, purchased a 12-pack of Corona and handed it to Decoy #1. The Decoy walked away from the scene. Meanwhile, undercover officers approached the subject regarding purchasing alcohol for a minor. The subject was issued a misdemeanor citation.

Time:  1940

Case Number: 17-7274

 NOTE:            SCPD was recently awarded a California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) grant in the amount of $79,120. The funds will be used to combat alcohol-related problems on or near college campuses, reduce public nuisance problems associated with habitual drunkards and/or problem alcoholic beverage outlets, reduce the number of driving under the influence related incidents and limit situations where persons under 21 use false identification to purchase alcohol and/or enter ABC licensed businesses.

The California Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in April, 1994, to uphold the use of underage decoys by law enforcement officials. As a result, the Minor Decoy Program is one of the many operations SCPD will conduct to reduce youth access to alcohol.

 Thursday, August 24, 2017

Shoplifting and Felony warrants     Location:  3800 Block of Stevens Creek Boulevard

Officers were dispatched to the 3800 block of Stevens Creek Boulevard on the report of a prior shoplifting incident. According to a witness, two female suspects had placed various items inside their purses and a large zippered bag. The suspect attempted to return an item she had just taken off the shelf, but the return was denied. The suspects then left the store without paying for the items despite activating the store’s electronic security alarm. The suspects were seen walking into the adjacent store.

Upon police arrival, witnesses informed the officer that the suspects went into the adjacent store. The officer located individuals matching the description of the suspects and made contact. Both suspects denied stealing items, however, a consensual search of their purses and backpacks revealed multiple stolen items. The total value of the items was $201.36.

A Records search revealed both suspects had outstanding felony warrants. Both suspects were arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.

Time: 2152

Case Number: 17-7308

 Friday, August 25, 2017

Drug Arrest                                        Location:  Saratoga Avenue and San Tomas Expressway

An officer was patrolling the area of San Tomas Expressway and Saratoga Avenue when a vehicle was observed with a license plate light that was not illuminated. The officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop and made contact with the male driver.

The officer recognized the suspect from a previous contact where the suspect hid drugs in the convertible headliner of his vehicle. The officer observed two plastic bags in the headliner during this stop as well.  The officer asked for consent to search the suspect’s person and vehicle, and he agreed. The officer located several bindles of a controlled substance. The officer issued the suspect with a citation for possession of illegal drugs and released him from the scene.

Time: 2206

Case Number: 17-7337

 Saturday, August 26, 2017

Resisting/Obstructing                     Location:  3300 Block of Homestead Road

An officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop for a vehicle without a license plate.  The vehicle made an abrupt turn into the parking lot behind the 3300 block of Homestead Road. An unknown male suspect immediately exited from the rear passenger seat and fled through the adjacent apartment complex. Meanwhile, the officer stayed with the two remaining occupants of the vehicle. A perimeter was established in an effort to locate the fleeing suspect. Star One, the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office helicopter, was patrolling the skies and assisted with the search. The suspect remains at large.

A Records check revealed one of the occupants was on probation for a firearms charge.

Time: 2321

Case Number: 17-7369

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