Police Report

Police Blotter highlightsPolice Blotter highlights

The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the city and is distributed on a weekly basis. The Blotter provides the date, time, approximate location, a narrative summary of the incident, case number and the most serious arrest charge.

Meanwhile, the Arrest Log provides a timely, chronological summary of all of the arrests made by the Santa Clara Police Department. It includes the name of the suspect(s), date of birth, city in which they reside, arrest date, time, location, case number as well as all of the charge(s) associated with the arrest. This information, located on the Santa Clara Police Department’s home page (www.scpd.org), is updated daily and serves as the most comprehensive list of arrests made.

Sunday, August 13, 2017
Burglary Location: 1600 Block of El Camino Real
An officer was dispatched to a restaurant on the 1600 block of El Camino Real for a prior burglary. An unknown suspect(s) used a brick to smash the drive-thru window. The suspect(s) removed the cash register and its $100 in cash and coins. The crime occurred between 0200 hours and 0616 hours. The suspect(s) remain at large.
Time: 0616
Case Number: 17-6919


Burglary Location: 2700 Block of El Camino Real
An officer responded to the 2700 block of El Camino Real for a prior burglary. The victim went to the business and noticed the roll-up door had been forced open and the cash register had been taken. An estimated $200 was taken. The suspect(s) remain at large. Detectives are investigating the similarities of Case Number 17-6919 and 17-6924.
Time: 1107
Case Number: 17-6924

Monday, August 14, 2017
Car Clout Location: 1700 Block of Lawrence Road
An officer was dispatched to the 1700 block of Lawrence Road to investigate multiple prior thefts from vehicles. The reporting party parked and secured a vehicle at about 0300 hours. At approximately 0645 hours, the reporting party returned to the vehicle and discovered both passenger side windows had been shattered. The unknown suspect(s) stole four black named brand jackets. It is estimated the total loss was approximately $800.
Time: 0652
Case Number: 17-6940

NOTE: Two additional vehicles were vandalized and/or suffered a loss at this same location (Case Numbers 17-6939 and 17-6941).

These crimes of opportunity can be avoided. Lock your vehicle and do not leave any valuable (e.g. purse, cell phone, sunglasses, laptop, backpack, GPS, etc.) in plain sight. Suspicious activity should be reported immediately by calling (408)615-5580.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Resisting Arrest Location: Lawrence Expressway and El Camino Real
On 08/12/17 at approximately 0110 hours, an officer attempted to conduct a traffic enforcement stop on a male subject near Lawrence Expressway and El Camino Real. The subject fled from officers at a high rate of speed and disregard for the public. For safety reasons, the officer discontinued the pursuit at Lawrence Expressway and Duane Avenue.

During the pursuit, the officer conducted a Records check of the subject vehicle’s registered owner which revealed a suspended driver’s license, an outstanding misdemeanor warrant for $20,000 and court probation. The subject was out on bail from Santa Clara County Jail as of July, 2017. The mugshot on file matched that of the individual the officer observed driving the vehicle.

On 08/13/17, the officer attempted to contact the subject at his San Jose residence without success.

On 08/14/17, the officer located the subject at his place of employment in Santana Row. He was arrested for his outstanding warrant and on-viewed charges from the 08/12/17 incident and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.

A search of his vehicle yielded numerous empty cans/bottles of alcohol and marijuana.
Time: 1300
Case Number: 17-6915

Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Drug Arrest Location: 1800 Block of El Camino Real
Officers were driving through a parking lot when they heard voices and items being moved in and around a structure of a fenced-off property with numerous “No trespassing” signs posted. The officers went onto the property where the noises were coming from and located two subjects squatting on the abandoned property. The subjects, one female and one male, were escorted out of the shed and a Records check was conducted.

The male subject is a drug registrant. The female subject had three active grants of searchable probation for illegal drug-related violations. While interacting with the subjects, the officer’s noticed symptoms of being under the influence of a controlled substance. A search of their belongings yielded drug paraphernalia and a controlled substance. Both subjects were issued Notice to Appear citations.
Time: 1818
Case Number: 17-7032

Thursday, August 17, 2017
Commercial Burglary Location: 2500 Block of Scott Boulevard
An officer was deployed to the 2500 block of Scott Boulevard on the report of a prior burglary of a storage locker. The victim estimated over $20,000 in tools and equipment had been stolen. The officer obtained video surveillance from the storage facility and forwarded the report to the Detective Bureau for further investigation. The suspect(s) remain at large.
Time: 1504
Case Number: 17-7061

Friday, August 18, 2017
Warrant Arrest – Felony Location: Benton Street at Lafayette Street
An officer was on patrol when a male subject was observed sleeping on a raised cement wall in front of a business on Benton Street at Lafayette Street. Concerned that the subject may fall off and injure himself, the officer stopped to conduct a welfare check.

A Records check confirmed the subject had two outstanding warrants, one of which was a $10,000 felony warrant. The subject was arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.
Time: 0645
Case Number: 17-7071

Saturday, August 19, 2017
Drug Arrest Location: 3200 Block of El Camino Real
Officers were patrolling the Motel 6 parking lot on the 3200 block of El Camino Real when they observed a vehicle pull into the parking lot with its high-beams activated and its rear license plate light not illuminated.

The officers approached the male driver and female passenger. A Records check revealed the driver did not have a driver’s license, had an outstanding felony warrant, was a parolee at large and was on post release community supervision. A search of his person yielded a large quantity of a controlled substance consistent with drug sales. A parole search of the car and motel room yielded a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia.

The female initially misrepresented herself by providing her sister’s name and date of birth. The officers discovered her true identity and learned she had numerous felony warrants and was also on post release community supervision. Both individuals were arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.
Time: 2310
Case Number: 17-7144

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