Police Blotter

Police Blotter highlightsPolice Blotter highlights

The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the city and is distributed on a weekly basis. The Blotter provides the date, time, approximate location, a narrative summary of the incident, case number and the most serious arrest charge.

Meanwhile, the Arrest Log provides a timely, chronological summary of all of the arrests made by the Santa Clara Police Department. It includes the name of the suspect(s), date of birth, city in which they reside, arrest date, time, location, case number as well as all of the charge(s) associated with the arrest. This information, located on the Santa Clara Police Department’s home page (www.scpd.org), is updated daily and serves as the most comprehensive list of arrests made.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Driving Under the Influence Collision


Location: Lick Mill Boulevard and Tasman Drive
Public Safety Dispatchers received several calls regarding a solo-vehicle traffic collision in the center median at Lick Mill Boulevard and Tasman Drive. Officers arrived at the scene to investigate the incident.

The male driver displayed objective symptoms of alcohol intoxication and narcotic use. The suspect failed to perform standardized field sobriety tests to the officers’ satisfaction and was found to be in possession of a controlled substance. He was arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.
Time: 2348
Case Number: 17-892

Monday, January 30, 2017

Petty Theft

Location: 2600 Block of El Camino Real
An officer was flagged down by a reporting party on the 2600 block of El Camino Real on the report of shoplifting. According to the witness, a male suspect entered a store and placed several toiletries, blankets and clothing items in a shopping bag and exited the store without paying. The loss was estimated at $95. A store employee confronted the suspect outside the store. The suspect would not return the stolen merchandise and ran approximately 100’ before the store employee was able to grab the items from the suspect. The suspect then fled the area on a bicycle. The officers located the suspect a short distance away. He was arrested.
Time: 1754
Case Number: 17-913

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Vehicle Theft

Location: El Camino Real and Pomeroy Avenue
An officer responded to a report of a single vehicle, roll-over traffic collision at El Camino Real and Pomeroy Avenue. The reporting party mentioned a male subject was fleeing from the scene.

Officers responded and discovered the vehicle was reported stolen out of San Jose. A few minutes later, an officer located a suspect matching the suspect’s description at Calabazas Avenue and Fowler Avenue. The suspect denied being involved in a collision, however he had minor swelling and redness on his forehead, bruising in his shoulder/chest area and glass on his shirt. The suspect was positively identified by the reporting party in an in-field line up. The suspect was in possession of a controlled substance. He was arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.
Time: 0447
Case Number: 17-930

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Counterfeit bills

Location: 200 Block of Saratoga Avenue
An unknown male subject attempted to pay for food items at two businesses on the 200 block of Saratoga Avenue with a counterfeit $20 bill. The subject was refused service at both locations. Before officers could arrive at the scene, the subject had driven away and left the counterfeit bill at one of the businesses.
Time: 2056
Case Number: 17-985

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Commercial Burglary

Location: 1700 Laurelwood Road
Between 01/09/17 and 01/12/17, a commercial burglary of a storage shed occurred. The burglary was discovered when an employee noticed the tenant’s storage shed had been pried open. The employee left a message for the victim.

On 02/01/17, the victim responded to the scene and confirmed 500 non-serialized Hotwheels brand model cars, valued at a total of $3,000 were stolen. The unknown suspect(s) remain at large.
Time: 1543
Case Number: 17-1008

Friday, February 3, 2017

Car Clout

Location: 3500 Block of El Camino Real
On 02/03/17 at approximately 1400 hours, two victims came to the Police Building to report a car clout which occurred on the 3500 block of El Camino Real between 1200 hours and 1300 hours. When the victims returned to their rental vehicle, they found the side window broken and multiple items missing, including two passports, a driver’s license and two laptops. The total value of the stolen items is estimated at $3,040. The suspect(s) remain at large.
Time: 1400
Case Number: 17-1038

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Suspicious Circumstances

Location: 1500 Block of Warburton Avenue
Officers responded to the 1500 block of Warburton Avenue after receiving a report that multiple subjects, possibly under the influence of alcohol, were in the pool area of the complex with a firearm.

Upon officer arrival, four subjects (2 male, 2 female) were located in the pool area. Due to the nature of the call, all four subjects were instructed to lie in a prone position on the pool deck and were detained in handcuffs for officer safety purposes until a sweep of the area was conducted. A firearm was not located.

A Records check revealed that male suspect #1 was on Post Release Community Supervision. He displayed objective symptoms of being under the influence of alcohol. According to his Probation Officer, the PRCS terms included no alcohol and no association with gang members. He was arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.

Male suspect #2 did not follow the commands of officers, discarded an unknown object from the pool area, was in possession of an 8” pocket knife and was under the influence of alcohol. He was unable to care for himself. As a result, he was arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.

The female subjects were released at the scene.
Time: 0341
Case Number: 17-1069

Prepared by Carolyn McDowell, Management Analyst.

If you have questions regarding the Police Blotter contact Lieutenant Dan Moreno, 408-615-4865.

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