Police Blotter

Police Blotter highlightsPolice Blotter highlights

The Police Blotter highlights a partial list of incidents in the city and is distributed on a weekly basis. The Blotter provides the date, time, approximate location, a narrative summary of the incident, case number and the most serious arrest charge.

Meanwhile, the Arrest Log provides a timely, chronological summary of all of the arrests made by the Santa Clara Police Department. It includes the name of the suspect(s), date of birth, city in which they reside, arrest date, time, location, case number as well as all of the charge(s) associated with the arrest. This information, located on the Santa Clara Police Department’s home page (www.scpd.org), is updated daily and serves as the most comprehensive list of arrests made.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Drugs – Under the Influence


Location: Portola Avenue and Sherwood Avenue
Officers initiated consensual contact with a male subject on Portola Avenue at Sherwood Avenue in San Jose. The subject admitted to being on active probation and was found to be under the influence of a controlled substance. A Record check confirmed he was in violation of the terms of his probation. The subject was arrested and booked into Santa Clara County Jail.
Time: 2140
Case Number: 17-426

Monday, January 16, 2017

Weapons Arrest

Location: El Camino Real at Main Street
At approximately 2200 hours, an officer observed a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed on El Camino Real. The officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop on a male driver with a male passenger. A Records check revealed the suspect had a suspended driver’s license. He was also in possession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia. The passenger also possessed drug paraphernalia and was a felon in possession of a functioning stun-gun device. Both suspects were arrested.
Time: 2200
Case Number: 17-457

Petty Theft

Location: 2600 Block of The Alameda
At approximately 2221 hours, an officer responded to a call for service on the 2600 block of The Alameda. The reporting party indicated a male suspect stole a bottle of wine from a store. A male suspect matching the description was located with an unopened bottle of wine nearby. The store did not desire prosecution; the suspect was released and instructed not to return to the store.

At approximately 2341 hours, the officer was dispatched to the same location because the same suspect had stolen another bottle of wine. The suspect was again located by the officer. On this occasion, the store desired prosecution for the thefts. The suspect was booked into Santa Clara County Jail for drunk in public and petty theft.

Within the last 3-months, SCPD has arrested this suspect for no less than thirteen (13) incidents.
Time: 2341
Case Number: 17-459

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Location: 3600 Block of Stevens Creek Boulevard
On 1/16/17 at approximately 1800 hours, a male suspect walked into a store on the 3600 block of Stevens Creek Boulevard with a guitar case containing a guitar. The suspect sold the guitar to the store for $510. The suspect completed the required paperwork and provided his driver’s license to complete the transaction.

On the same day at 2000 hours, the same suspect came back to the store and selected a guitar valued at $1,790 and placed it in his empty guitar case and left the store without paying for the item. Both incidents were captured on surveillance video and documented with SCPD.

The suspect contacted the store stating he was having problems cashing the check. SCPD suggested the store offer the suspect cash, instead of a check, and contact Public Safety Dispatchers if the suspect returned to the store.

On 1/17/17 at approximately 1030 hours, the suspect re-entered the store. Store employees contacted Public Safety Dispatchers and detained the suspect. The arriving officer was able to recover the stolen guitar and arrest the suspect. He was transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.
Time: 1033
Case Number: 17-467

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Underage Liquor Sales

Location: 1200 block of Franklin Street
A minor decoy entered an off-sale liquor establishment on the 1200 block of Franklin Street. The decoy was provided with a twenty dollar bill, selected a 12-pack of beer and approached the sales counter. The salesperson asked the decoy for identification; the identification indicated a 1999 birthday. The clerk sold the beer to the decoy. The clerk was cited by the police officer and California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Agent overseeing the operation. The suspect was issued a citation and released at the scene. The beer and change were returned for the twenty dollar bill.
Time: 1702
Case Number: 17-509

NOTE: Officers partnered with an Agent from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to conduct IMPACT inspections and a Decoy operation as a result of ABC grant funding at various establishments throughout the city.

NOTE: Public Safety Dispatchers received 210 phone calls between 1700 hours and 2000 hours. Meanwhile, patrol units spent a majority of their shift responding to vehicle collisions, reports of downed trees and assisting with traffic control as a result of damaged power lines and inoperable signal lights.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Car Clout

Location: 3600 Block of Stevens Creek Boulevard
The victim vehicle parked on the 3600 block of Stevens Creek Boulevard at approximately 1924 hours. The responsible party returned to the vehicle at approximately 2010 hours to find the rear driver’s side window smashed. The passenger had a backpack containing a laptop and books stolen.

Upon officer arrival, neighboring businesses were contacted for surveillance video. A male suspect can be seen committing the car clout. Although the video quality is poor, Detectives will work with the evidence available in an attempt to apprehend the suspect. At the time of this report, the suspect(s) remains outstanding.
Time: 2016
Case Number: 17-539

Friday, January 20, 2017

Identification Theft

Location: Stevens Creek Boulevard and S. Baywood Avenue
An officer observed a vehicle that did not have a functioning license plate lamp. The officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop at the intersection of Stevens Creek Boulevard and S. Baywood Avenue.

A Records check revealed the male subject was on active searchable probation. The officer discovered drug paraphernalia and personal identifying information of other persons. The suspect attempted to use the access card at a local convenience store. The access card did not belong to the suspect and he did not obtain permission to use the card. The suspect violated his probation terms. As a result, he was arrested and transported to the Santa Clara County Jail.
Time: 0328
Case Number: 17-549

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Warrant Arrest

Location: Homestead Road and San Tomas Expressway
An officer observed a vehicle with expired registration on Homestead Road near San Tomas Expressway. The officer initiated a traffic enforcement stop. The male suspect identified himself with an expired driver’s license. A Records check revealed a misdemeanor warrant for $10,000 and had a suspended driver’s license. He was arrested.
Time: 0930
Case Number: 17-590

Prepared by Carolyn McDowell, Management Analyst

If you have questions regarding the Police Blotter contact Lieutenant Dan Moreno, 408-615-4865.

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