Outgoing Council Members Honored

Last week the Santa Clara City Council took time out from the challenges of governing, to honor three outgoing Council Members: Will Kennedy, Jamie McLeod and Kevin Moore. All three were first elected in 2004 and re-elected in 2008.

Recognizing that serving on the City Council requires not just the work of the Council Members themselves, but family support as well, the City honored the outgoing members’ families for their often-unsung service to the community.

“When you think about the many contributions that so many make to our city, serving on the council – with the pressure and responsibility of what they do – is on the top of that list,” says former Council Member Joe Kornder, who spoke at the event on behalf of Kennedy, saying that “Will puts the City foremost and should be congratulated for that.” Also speaking that evening were former Santa Clara Mayor Gary Gillmor on behalf of Kevin Moore and County Supervisor Ken Yeager on behalf of Jamie McLeod.


Each of the outgoing Council Members left their mark on the city, Kornder says. “Will Kennedy should be noted for his independence, Kevin Moore for his vision and being such a significant part of bringing the stadium to Santa Clara. And Jamie McLeod for her independence and willingness to pursue the facts wherever they lead. They each made unique contributions during the eight years they served.”