Op-Ed: Dear Mayor and Council

Santa Clara resident Vickie Fairchild talks about a recent interaction with Mayor Lisa Gillmor and calls on the Mayor to do better for the City.Santa Clara resident Vickie Fairchild talks about a recent interaction with Mayor Lisa Gillmor and calls on the Mayor to do better for the City.

Last night, I spoke at the Santa Clara City Council meeting. I was not able to give my full speech. I had to cut out the first story because of the time constraints, but this is what I prepared:

My name is Vickie Fairchild. I am the President of the Board for Santa Clara Unified School District. I share this for context. I am speaking for myself. I have permission from my daughter to share this first story.

In February of this year, I received a text from the Mayor asking to talk about the swimming situation in Santa Clara. I replied that I would be willing but could not talk about the Santa Clara Swim Club because it had already been a closed-session item at a school board meeting. We set up a time. As happens when parenting teenagers, my schedule had changed slightly by the time the talk was to occur, so when the Mayor called, I was not alone. I was with my daughter. I reiterated that I could not talk about the swim club when I answered the phone. Before I could also say that I was not alone, I was cut off and subjected to a verbal tirade where I was insulted and belittled. My daughter’s eyes got bigger and bigger as she listened to the disparagement and barbs.


After the phone call ended, my daughter sat in shock. She heard every word the Mayor said. The next week, she described my job to her friend, “She listens to people yell on the phone.”

Fast forward to July. Albert Gonzalez, a revered and respected school board trustee, put his hat in the ring to run for city council. Wow. I was so excited about possibly having someone with his experience and temperament on our council. What a massive asset to Santa Clara! However, during the candidate filing time in July, the Mayor’s blogger was sent a tip (he always seems to get these anonymous tips) and wrote a hit piece against Albert Gonzalez.*

Albert!?! The current President of the California School Boards Association!?!

And the attacks have not stopped.

Talk about ethics? Really? This blog article was published before the candidate filing deadline and before any money was spent by the various PACs. It became crystal clear to me that the only way to be sainted as a candidate is to be chosen by the Mayor.

Anyone else is the enemy.

These are my questions for the Mayor: Have you considered that the way you are doing politics is not working? That it’s harming the city’s reputation? Driving away good candidates? Have you noticed how few endorsements your candidates get from people outside the city? If you get a majority in two weeks, what will you do? Try to fight the CVRA again? When is the fight with the 49ers going to be over? Is it ever going to be over? What needs to happen for you to finally win and focus on Santa Clara?

Mayor, you brought the 49ers to Santa Clara. You were part of the council that negotiated the agreement in which we were “outplayed,” at least according to the grand jury report. That is NOT the 49ers’ fault. That’s the fault of the Santa Clara City Council attorneys, and city manager who negotiated that agreement. The problems we have in Santa Clara with infrastructure and budget are NOT the fault of the 49ers. These problems result from years and years of poor management of resources and facilities.

Could you please focus on that? Please. Maybe start with a few positive posts and videos about Measure I. Show that you really care about Santa Clara.

*Side note – Anne Kepner (college board trustee and school volunteer extraordinaire), who lives in the same district as another of the Mayor’s preferred candidates, was also attacked in the same July article that attacked Albert. It seemed to be a warning not to run.


View Comments (7)

  • You mean our Mayor is a vindictive power-hungry politician who is more interested in manipulating residents for her own benefit than she is in improving our City for our benefit?

    I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you.

  • The fact that this was posted on the “I hate Lisa Gilmore “ part says it all. You can put it everywhere but it does not excuse their behavior and stretching the truth.

  • Well now, bless your heart, Debbie, for thinking that where something’s posted automatically defines the truth of it. If that were the case, half the country would be getting their news from the bathroom walls of truck stops.

    Let’s cut to the chase. You’re worked up about the platform, but what about the substance? Fairchild didn’t exactly spill the tea about a friendly chat over scones. She’s talking about a sitting Mayor, who felt it appropriate to verbally tear into her in front of her teenage daughter. That’s not “stretching the truth,” that’s calling bad behavior what it is.

    And as for that magical “truth-stretching” you’re so worried about? Here’s the reality: when good candidates like Albert Gonzalez and Anne Kepner get tossed into the political woodchipper for daring to run, it says more about the state of Santa Clara’s politics than any blog post ever could. If the only way to get on the Mayor’s good side is to play by her rules, we’re not looking at a thriving democracy—we’re staring down a power club where the membership is painfully exclusive.

    Maybe instead of worrying where something’s posted, we should be worrying about what’s happening to the decency of local government. Just a thought.

  • Santa Clara voter: half the country IS getting their news from the bathroom walls of truck stops. Channeled by Fox News.

  • You are so right, Fred! We’re living in a time where bathroom wall gossip has gone prime time, complete with the Fox News seal of approval. Mayor Lisa Gillmor must be tickled pink, what with her apparent love of “anonymous tips” and her own personal echo chamber to blast 'em out. Why stick to boring ol' facts when a bit of razzle-dazzle and smear tactics can keep folks distracted?

    Gillmor’s got herself quite the operation, spinning stories that make her sound like the last bastion of moral authority. But here’s the truth: good ol’ Santa Clara deserves better than cheap potshots and back-alley news masquerading as gospel. If we could cut through the noise and get back to the real issues — infrastructure, resources, actual city progress — we’d be a sight better off.

  • "The problems we have in Santa Clara with infrastructure and budget are NOT the fault of the 49ers. These problems result from years and years of poor management of resources and facilities."
    That's absolutely right, Vickie! Gillmor has got to go. Two decades of constant turmoil on the City Council has persisted because Gillmor remains. In 2024 vote for the below candidates and incumbents and in 2026 vote a new Mayor who isn't connected to Gillmor or the SCPOA.
    D1: Vote Bhatia
    D4: Vote Park
    D5: Vote Jain
    D6: Vote Guerra