Mission College Combines Earth Day with a Science Fair

Mission College is celebrating clean technology by combining Earth Day with a Science Fair on Thursday, April 21st. From 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the college’s quad, everyone is welcome and invited to check out the activities, which include an e-waste recycling drop-off, used book sale, community partners showcasing sustainable products and practices, and free entertainment. Exhibits include Full Circle Farms, Quite Nice Bees, Sierra Club, SJSU Environmental Studies Club, Sustainable Weaving, 511 Ridesharing and a debate featuring the Mission College “Missionanigans” speech and debate team.There will be electric vehicles on display as well! This event is free and open to the public. Parking is free during the event hours in campus lot “C.” For more information about this event, contact Theresa Tran by calling 408-855-5061, or by sending an email to: theresa.tran@wvm.edu


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