Milestones – What Justice? – Opinion

Jeff Rosen is the Santa Clara County District Attorney who has turned his back on law, order and residents.

His record ranks right up there with George Gascon, D.A. from Los Angeles. They both have never met a criminal they didn’t like.

They have emptied our jail cells, reduced bail to zero, returned apprehended criminals back to the streets and now … Rosen is fighting to get murderers that have been sentenced to the death penalty off the hook and get their death sentences commuted to life in prison.


Apparently, Rosen not only fails to enforce the law, he doesn’t appear to know the current law that has retained the death penalty in California. Californians have voted twice in recent elections to retain and enforce the death penalty.

Rosen has chosen to ignore the law and is determined to make his own laws in defiance of residents and citizens who serve on juries and make these determinations.

Retired Santa Clara police sergeant and city resident Ted Keech spent FOUR years tracking down just a couple of these killers. Keech, who was responsible for bringing several of these murderers to justice, is shocked. These villains brutally murdered residents, were arrested, went to jury trials and were found guilty by their peers and sentenced to death.

Rosen wasn’t always a death penalty opponent. Four years ago, he was all-in on the death penalty in a case based on questionable evidence. The defendant was found innocent by the jury.

Rosen did not run on the promise to interpret the law as a judge but to enforce the law. It appears he has used his position to be judge and jury in his own application of law.

However, Governor Gavin Newsom came to power and used his authority to ignore the peoples’ wishes and changed the death penalty to life without the possibility of parole.

Violent crime is up 13.5% since Newsom became governor. With D.A.s like Rosen, and a goody-goody Governor, what did you think would happen?

Folks, very simply, you got it right when you voted and sustained the death penalty for the really bad guys. It appears the only way to fulfill the wishes of the population is to elect candidates who are willing to represent and enact the people’s wishes.

It will be much harder to enforce the death penalty even when Newsom is termed out since he has virtually dismantled death row.

Why do these “public servants” feel they have a right to free interpretation of the law when the majority of voters voted for and created the law?

This appears to be arrogance and a total dislike and disrespect for the people who put you in office.

Hopefully, we as a community correct our mistakes.

Previous Milestones:
Milestones – Decorum Is Due! – Opinion
Milestones – A Safer Community? – Opinion
Milestones: Lawless Law Should Be Unlawful! – Opinion


View Comments (8)

  • More verifiably false ranting and raving from the publisher of a newspaper. How embarrassing it must be for the reporters and editors of the Silicon Valley Voice to have to see propagandistic fiction printed under the masthead.
    There is an almost endless amount of research and literature that shows that the death penalty is not effective in deterring crime and there is almost total consensus amongst criminologists that it is counterproductive. This can easily be looked up by anyone on the internet. Just do an internet search for effectiveness of the death penalty.
    Violent crime has been around alltime lows for years and small increases do not change that fact. It is also a fact that the state's murder rate went down last year compared to the year before. We had the lowest murder rates in California history from roughly the year 2010 and the COVID pandemic and we are still near those historic lows.
    But we have not had an execution in the state of California since the year 2005. That is about the year when California started setting new historic low murder rates.
    Why is Miles such a big fan of the death penalty when we obviously do not need it to deter murder? What other verifiably false things does Miles believe?

    • As the owner and publisher of this newspaper, Miles is allowed to rant and rave as much as he desires. He is freely entitled to expressing his personal thoughts and opinions. If you object or do not approve, you are more than welcome to go find your news elsewhere. His paper provides a great service for our community. Regardless of your thoughts and those of Kirk Vartan, my hope that Miles shall continue to provide this service.

      • Miles can write whatever he wants to write and I can comment and voice my thoughts on what he writes.
        I have explained why this piece by Miles is illogical and contradicted by data and expert opinions.
        But it seems you have nothing to bring to the table to actually defend what Miles has written. All you have to say on this subject is to state the obvious that Miles is allowed to rant and rave as much as he desires. We already know this thank you.

        • Hey, there. I am also allowed to voice my thoughts on your comments. Your words are very nasty, distasteful, and uncalled for. Miles is simply expressing his personal opinions regards of your expert data. As stated before, this is his paper.

    • The death penalty is a deterrent to future insidious acts by others, and it's also a means for family and friends to get some personal solace for those who were murdered. The majority of Americans that oppose the death penalty have something to hide. What's your secret?

      • Jim,
        It is not a deterrent. If you do a little serious reading on the topic you will be able to see that for yourself. Do an internet search for "effectiveness of the death penalty" and read a variety of sources before you assume that it is an effective deterrent.
        We have not had an execution in almost twenty years and it has been during the past twenty years that we have had historically low murders and violent crime in this state.
        Do you want to talk about this issue based on the facts or do you just want to insinuate personal attacks?

        • Linking low murders and violent crime may not have anything to do with lacking any executions. You may be just jumping to wrong conclusions. The low murder and crime rates may to due to many other factors. Perhaps the ageing of our population, or the new laws, or better law enforcements, the economy, “climate-change”, a more mobile population, education, etc. If we did have a few executions, perhaps the murders and violent crime may decreased by an even larger amount. This is a difficult topic to be proven with your expert “facts”. So, who knows? Perhaps Jim and Miles may be correct in their discussion and thinking.

  • Our Opinion Has so Changed
    Miles Sees ever so Clear Now
    And his Words bring Smiles

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