Milestones (OPINION)


Dominic Caserta has often been a minority voice on Santa Clara City Council. However, he may have good reason to be thankful this Holiday Season.

After serving two full terms on City Council and taking a break, Caserta returned to Council two years ago with an eye on higher office. He has been preparing for the 2018 county supervisor race for the last two years.

As you may know, Santa Clara is the second largest city in the county. However, Santa Clara has not had a representative on the County Board of Supervisors since Rod Diridon Sr. served forty years ago.


So, why should Caserta be thankful?

Several months ago, Mayor Gillmor pulled her support of Caserta via a text to him during a Council meeting—Caserta would not go along with the Mayor on one of her proposals.

Considering recent accusations of councilmanic interference by the Mayor, her action of non-support may have been a God-send for Caserta.

Then, just prior to the breaking news on Mayor Gillmor’s rogue activities, Council Member Teresa O’Neill pulled her support of Caserta. While this may have appeared to be disturbing to him and others, it may be prove to be another bonus for Caserta.

O’Neill, who has been viewed as a voice of reason, balance and objectivity, has abdicated her independence and sided with the Mayor’s majority. Who would have thought this of O’Neill?

Even more peculiar, O’Neill had supported Caserta’s race for Supervisor for the last 18 months. However, since Caserta wouldn’t capitulate and side with the Mayor and her Council majority, O’Neill pulled her endorsement.

The good news for Caserta is that now the Mayor and her cronies are in hot water (which may get even hotter), being divorced from their support may be a stroke of good luck for him.

Caserta has run an intense campaign thus far, raising over $350,000 and walking every precinct in the District. He also has more than 1,500 endorsements from major political personalities to community leaders throughout the County.

The loss of Gillmor’s and O’Neill’s endorsements may turn into a major gain for Caserta. The firestorm brewing at City Hall can no longer be ignored by those who enforce the law of decent behavior by incumbents.

The past year of actions by the Mayor and her majority has created an Machiavellian Council attitude of might makes right. Starting with the ousting of City Manager Julio Fuentes, this Council has pushed out our highly respected City Attorney Ren Nosky, Chief Financial Officer and guru Gary Ameling and acting City Manager Rajeev Bhatia.

The new City Manager Deanna Santana was recruited at a price tag nearly double that of her predecessors.

Caserta can be very thankful he was not a supporter of or participant in these actions.
