Milestones (OPINION)

The world’s most popular rock band, U2, played to a sold-out Levi’s Stadium last Wednesday night.

Sixty thousand fans were enthralled, elated appreciative and inspired.

Fans from around the world came to see this show right here in Santa Clara. They filled our restaurants and hotels and spent millions in our community.


The estimated revenue earned for City Hall from the concert alone will be close to half a million.

Of course, the last hour of the concert was in violation of the City’s noise ordinance and our stadium management partner ManCo will be fined $1,000.

You see, this Council passed a noise ordinance in January, stating that weeknight events at the stadium cannot go past 10 p.m.

Yet, just a month ago the Council approved over 20 late night operations for Great America, and permits Great America to operate until 1 a.m.

U2 was booked by our Stadium Management Company early in January and proved to be a bigger godsend than Beyoncé.

Our Council has known for months that U2 was contracted to start at 9 p.m. and perform to 11 p.m.

However, the Council applied the famous “double standard” when dealing with the U2 concert.

The Stadium Management Company ManCo was very forthright and came to Council in January and stated their case. They asked for a one-hour extension based on logic. This event would be a fabulous revenue generator for our City and you can’t expect 60,000 excited U2 fans to leave at 10 p.m.

“We would request you allow U2 to perform until 11 p.m.”

Nope. The Council stood by their noise ordinance.

Just so you know the situation, U2 has millions invested in staging, sound, lighting, video and equipment designed for presentation when it is dark (about 9:00 p.m.). Sixty thousand fans didn’t pay $200+ a ticket to attend a second-rate show.

The Mayor’s position and Council’s decision is not only political; it is totally illogical.

While our City is struggling to balance the budget, the Mayor and Council brush off a half million-dollar event like it was a Sunday school picnic. Last year 12 stadium events alone produced $2.5 million for Santa Clara citizens.

ManCo allowed U2 to perform until 11 p.m. and violated the City’s noise ordinance.

Now the Mayor wants to take the Stadium Managers to court. Are you serious? You were just handed a half million dollars and you want to dispute that in court?

Isn’t this like shooting yourself in the foot? ManCo is a partner, not a villain.

We think you are listening to your City Council Groupies too much and believing they represent consensus for all Santa Clara residents. Being sensitive to neighbors is important. One hour of great music did not ruin their evening and made our City better off.

Oh, and the much-hailed issue of VTA buses and trains operating after 10 p.m. For the most part, it was a non-issue.

Everyone got home just fine.

Thank you U2 for visiting Santa Clara. We would only wish that our City Council could harmonize and make music as well as you.