Milestones – Much to be Grateful for – Opinion

Grateful, thankful, blessed spiritual words - handwriting in black ink on sticky notes against rustic wood

Imagine this! It is already Thanksgiving, and it feels like we just finished putting away the Easter decorations.

Somehow it is more difficult to recognize the fast fleeting of time that rapidly rips good intentions out of our grasp. The sun rises quickly and sets even sooner, and we find our project list longer at the end of each day.

Thanksgiving is that holiday where we are to stop, even for a moment, and reflect on the abundance of good experiences we have had this year.


Whatever our circumstance, health, wealth or well being, if we live in America we have a higher standard of living than 85% of the rest of the world’s population.

Somehow, we were fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to find ourselves in this great country, doing what we do and, even, sometimes complaining.

Even with the many issues of family, friends, illness, bills, death, taxes and government, we must be aware that we are a little more than lucky.

Our city has continued to evolve and been persistent in providing us safe streets and neighborhoods to enjoy our families.

While we can do something for those less fortunate in the world, it is also important that we take care of our own world and those who are paying the bills here in Santa Clara.

Public employees should be grateful for the secure jobs they have, the generous salaries and pension benefits afforded them by our city and citizens.

Despite city budget deficits over the same time. not one Santa Clara City employee was laid off.

Maybe it would be good to take one of those precious moments of time this Thanksgiving and reflect on what a good life you have already.

Santa Clara is proud of its public employees and the jobs they do. We have found our city employees to be courteous, helpful, knowledgeable and responsive. They are one of the reasons this is a great City in which to live and raise a family, and we are thankful for them.

While you are in the midst of doing turkey and mashed potatoes, take a moment to think about the things you’re thankful for this year.

That’s worth making time for. Before you start putting up the holiday lights.

Thanksgiving Stories:
Second Harvest Food Bank Seeks Donations, Volunteers
Students Roll Up Their Sleeves to Make Holidays Happier for Others

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