Milestones – Double Dealing! – Opinion

Publisher Miles Barber again calls on Mayor Lisa Gillmor to let go of personal issues and help facilitate a legal settlement with the 49ers.Publisher Miles Barber again calls on Mayor Lisa Gillmor to let go of personal issues and help facilitate a legal settlement with the 49ers.

Lawyer holding a pen to write cases in the courtroom

As most readers already know, the City of Santa Clara has been in several legal tangles with the SF 49ers for years.

None of these issues are mysteries or unsolvable.

Since litigation is costly, the millions spent by both sides would have gone a long way toward addressing infrastructure needs in Santa Clara, like rebuilding the City’s now defunct swim center. Instead of being good stewards of public money, Mayor Lisa Gillmor and her former Council provoked these disagreements, going so far as voting the 49ers out as stadium managers.


That was when she had total political control and four “Yes Madam” supporters.

Residents realized the Mayor and her puppet council were out of bounds, off the grid and voted to restore sanity back to the city council.

Now, the legal actions begun during her time of total council control may finally be heading toward resolution.

With some movement on both sides, and give and take, settlement may be on the near horizon.

It would be great if this were a win-win resolution. Most likely it will be a “kinda” win for both sides.

It is unfortunate for Santa Clara that Mayor Gillmor didn’t use her skills and shills to boost benefits for residents while she had council control. The 49ers have consistently proven they can be great partners; however, they will not be bullied or pushed around. Their willingness to support the Santa Clara community has been a godsend for thousands, including schools, nonprofits and community projects.

Contrary to Mayor Gillmor’s age-old attacks on the 49er management, the contributions of the 49ers in so many ways belittle the mayors’ arguments.

It is no secret the mayor has used the 49ers as her election punching bag to discredit candidates who support the 49ers, the stadium and even their community contributions.

However, as demonstrated in recent elections, voters are realizing Santa Clara doesn’t have an issue with the 49ers. In fact, voters decided they could not agree with the mayor and her minions who attacked the 49ers at any opportunity.

Getting the current litigation between the City of Santa Clara and the 49ers resolved will add millions to the city coffers and save millions in further litigation costs.

The final cap to resolving all differences would be a parade. A Super Bowl championship parade that would be held in Santa Clara for the SF 49ers in the coming season.

Previous Milestones:
Milestones – Big Game Time – Opinion
Milestones – A Swimming Idea! – Opinion


View Comments (4)

  • Yes Miles we all already know that you will always argue that the Forty Niners never do anything wrong and just want what is best for the people of Santa Clara. And that you will always argue that any criticism or suspicion of the Forty Niners must be the result of a personal vendetta.

    You have done very well at establishing your identity as a Forty Niners cheerleader.

  • As have you Bucher Alum. You've proven yourself time and again as a cheerleader for the Mayor. You must tell us how the Mayor's shoes taste from all your boot-licking.

    • Gordon,
      If you think this then you have not been paying attention.
      I have disagreements with Gillmor and have written about them here. For example I disagreed with her about Levi's Stadium being built in the first place and citywide versus district council elections and expanding the curfew on weekday stadium events and an appointed versus elected police chief.
      But I have never seen Miles have a single word of criticism for the Forty Niners. Everything he writes related to them reads like he is a public relations representative for them.

  • I don't care what the stadium agreement says, I'm not going let the city pay for the VIP buffet. Also the agreement provides 35 cents per ticket for senior and youth programs. This number is way too low. It should be at least one dollar per ticket. These items need to be amended in the stadium agreement. I'm watching all of you so be careful what you say and do, hahaha.