Milestones – “Blind Justice” is Peeking – Opinion

Publisher Miles Barber asks District Attorney Jeff Rosen to determine what other leaks might have surrounded the leak of the civil grand jury report.Publisher Miles Barber asks District Attorney Jeff Rosen to determine what other leaks might have surrounded the leak of the civil grand jury report.

A few weeks ago, District Attorney Jeff Rosen rushed down to Morgan Hill to grab the spotlight after Councilman Anthony Becker was convicted.

After all, Rosen hasn’t met a spotlight he didn’t like.

Which is why it was puzzling when, in front of the media, Rosen was judicious with his wording.


“We have no opinion as to which city council member should be elected in Santa Clara.”

Perhaps a fuller answer would have included: “… except in District 1, where I endorsed Satish Chandra.”

Mr. Rosen, it’s lucky for you that the court of public opinion cannot charge you with perjury.

But we’ll move on to another comment you so kindly served up for the media.

“We all expect more of our elected officials.”

That’s right, Mr. Rosen, we do expect more.

And so, we expect that you will also investigate the other leaks coming out of Santa Clara’s City Hall. Like the one that included the same civil grand jury report that Becker was convicted of leaking.

We expect you will pursue that leak to the Chronicle with the same fervor and dedication of county resources you dedicated to this four-week-long trial of Anthony Becker.

Might we suggest you start with the council member who happened to “break” their iPhone just as the investigation started and then replaced it so they could not turn the old phone over?

Need another hint?

It’s the same council member who decided Signal wasn’t for them and deleted the app just before an interview with your office.

We won’t name names. After all, Becker’s attorneys weren’t allowed to say her name in the courtroom during the trial lest your Deputy District Attorney shout them down.

Of course, there might be a more disturbing answer. Someone else did admit to leaking the report to the Chronicle and you simply didn’t feel it was important to share that information with the voters of Santa Clara.

Informed Santa Clara voters deserve to know if felony perjury was committed by someone else on the Santa Clara City Council or if there was just a “willful violation of duty” that you do not deem important to tell us about.

Yes, the justice system is supposed to be blind, but if the elected District Attorney who oversees the justice system isn’t, then there is no blind justice in Santa Clara County.


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