100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (January 3, 1919)
- War Savings Campaign Drive to Open January 17: Nationwide Celebration to be Held on Day Great Campaign is Started
- Santa Clara Again Goes Over the Top: Town Came Through Magnificently in War Stamps Drive
- Santa Clara Man Reported Missing in France: Private Harvey Turner
- Postmaster Thanked: Mrs. Ida Smith of Santa Clara Voices Appreciation of Mail Delivery
- Editor of Santa Clara News, Mr. Roth, Recovering from Flu: Newspaper Only Four Pages in his Absence
- Death List from Flu Appallingly Large Throughout United States
- W. B. George Returns to Santa Clara: Will Reside at Koehle Residence on Lincoln Street After Taking Job with Sperry Flour Company
- Rev. Henry Brainard Succeeds Rev. Purcell as Minister for Santa Clara University
- Sheriff-Elect George Lyle Who Takes Office January 6th Has Practically Completed Selection of His Deputies
- Other New Official: Effective January 6th C.C. Coolidge will Succeed Arthur M. Free as County District Attorney
- Mrs. Jewel Whithohn, wife of Rev. F. Whithohm, dies of Influenza at her Parent’s Home at 706 Benton Street
- Funeral of Mrs. Catherine Miner Held at Her 934 Lafayette Residence
- New Sale Rule on Stamps: 1919 Series Not to be Affixed to 1918 War Savings Certificate
- University of California Agricultural Department to Give Course in Cupertino: Lectures to be of Interest to Santa Clara Valley Growers
50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (January 1, 1969)
- 1968 News Highlights Reviewed: Zoning Ordinances, Movie Theater Controversy at Moonlight Shopping Center, Embalmers Strike, Triton Museum Move to Santa Clara, Urban Renewal, Primary Election
- California Teachers Association Wants In on Negotiations: Wilcox High Protestors May Picket Again
- Car Tapes Are Stolen: Four Robberies All Involve Stereo Music Equipment
- Four People Injured in Holiday Crashes
- Police Grab Four Males on Drug Rap
- New Santa Clara University President, Father Thomas Terry, Tells of Plans for SCU Expansion
- Dr. William A. Barker of Los Altos Hills Named Chairman of Department of Physics at Santa Clara University
- Project Santa Helped 260 Poor Families in Santa Clara, Alviso and Sunnyvale