100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (February 7, 1919)
- Secretary of Navy Orders Speeded Up Demobilization of War Time Units
- 346th Field Artillery Returning From France
- Soldier Held on Bigamy Charge: F.M. Hope is Confronted by Both Women He is Accused of Marrying
- New Income Tax Law: Nearly Everyone Will be Required to Make Income Tax Returns: How Income Tax will Affect Farmers
- New City Hall Clock is Here: Gift of Mrs. B.F. Weston: Firm of Wolfe & Higgins Designing the Installation
- Elaborate New Store Will Open on Corner of Franklin & Washington: Frank Soria to be Proprietor
- Sheriff Lyle to Rid County of Wifebeater: Martin Harris Taken into Custody
- Price of Prunes Still Going Up: Seven and a Half Cents Offered for Prunes: But Crop May be Worth Eight and a Half Says Growers’ Manager
- New Machinery is Installed at Enterprise Laundry
50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (February 5, 1969)
- Critics Attack Youth Library: Some Teens Using ‘Underground Library’ — a Federally Funded 2-year Demonstration Project in Franklin Mall — Accused of Mischievous and Disrespectful Behavior: City Librarian Donald Fuller, Youth Services Librarian Regina Minudri, and Police Chief Frank Sapena Called to Make Reports to City Council
- Mayor Seat Shuffled on 4-3 Vote: Gary Gillmor Out as Honorary Mayor: Councilman Charles Kinney, Who is Not Running for Mayor, Appointed Mayor until after City’s First Mayoral Election
- Request for 925-acre Property to be Annexed to City — between Southern Pacific Railroad, Scott Blvd., San Tomas and Central Expressway: Applicants are Kita and Kuzuo Isamu
- Pot Arrest: 14-year-old Charged with Possession of Marijuana
- Despite Wilcox and Santa Clara High Parent Protests, California Teachers Association Defends ‘Ghetto I.Q. Test’: Students from Middle Class Must be Sensitized to Frustrations of Youth from Minority Groups
- Auralee Street is First Woman to Run for City Council: Her Campaign Slogan: ‘Return Government to the People’
- Swim Coach George Haines Feted at ‘Banquet of Champions’ Held at Lou’s Villa: Honored as ‘Champion of Champions’