Looking Back: Week of August 8th Headlines

Looking BackLooking Back

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (August 9, 1918)

*Postmaster Charles South Leads Successful War Savings Stamp Campaign Here: Says Every Stamp Puts a Kink in the Kaiser: Banks Also Aiding in Big Local Drive

*Next Liberty Loan Drive Will Be September 22 – October 19


*California State Fair Will Open August 31st

*Marine Corp. Recruiting Station Raises Age Limit to 40

*Funeral Held for Mrs. Mary J. Foley of Lafayette Street


50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (August 7, 1968)

*School Board Votes Tax Hike: Needed to Pay Increased Salaries and Benefits of SCUSD Employees

*Library Computer Circulation System:  Contractor Freeman Data Systems Asks for Revised Contract: Dispute Over Payment for Overdues Billing Component

*J. Marion Company’s ‘University Project’ Downtown Redevelopment Plan Signs New York Contractor That Built United Nations Building

*Any Regional Government Seeking Taxing Power Opposed by Santa Clara City Council

*Street Shut for School: Closed Campus for Santa Clara High Assured Now That City Has Abandoned Poplar Street Between Monroe and Washington Streets

*’Baby Zoo’ for Central Park:  Parks & Recreation Department Presents Its Vision for Proposed Zoo

*Army Major George F. Prater, Son of Mr. & Mrs. John Prater of Santa Clara, Awarded Legion of Merit for Service in Vietnam

*’Junk’ Lunches Profitable: SCUSD Cafeterias with Hot Meals and Nutritious Food Losing Money but Snack Bars Stocked with Candy Bars, Cookies and Chips Turning a Healthy Profit

*City Librarian Miss Frances Klune Retires After 15 Years of Service: Oversaw the Opening of Two Library Buildings and a Bookmobile: Library Cardholders Increased from 3000 to 55,000 During Her Tenure

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