100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (September 5, 1919)
- Bank Robbery Thought to be Work of Expert Crooks: Garden City Bank Robbed in Broad Daylight: Bank Manager H.L. Warburton Forced at Gunpoint to Empty Vault
- Sheriff Lyle Sure of Osborne’s Guilt: Continues Probe: Petaluma Man Suspect in Santa Clara Bank Robbery
- County Booster Campaign to Begin: Plan Underway for Re-organization of All Chambers of Commerce in Santa Clara County: Santa Clara Plans to Join With Progressive Boosters
- President Wilson Will Visit Santa Clara Valley Next Week: Scheduled to be in San Jose on September 17th
- Pioneer Woman Passes Away: Mrs. Theresa Crow: Lived Near Milikin’s Corner Over 35 Years
- Town Treasurer Robert Fatjo Again Donates His Salary: Beneficiaries are Santa Clara Woman’s Club, the Public Library, the Volunteer Fire Department, and the Chamber of Commerce
- Building Trades Council Resolution Asks for $10-per-day Minimum Wage to Combat High Cost of Living
- State Tax on Soft Drinks, Ice Cream and Ice Cones Holds
- Native Sons of the Golden West to Celebrate California Admission Day with Big Parade in San Francisco: Local Chapters to Participate
- Reasons Why Milk Should be Pasteurized
50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (September 3, 1969)
- City Files Anti-Trust Suits Against Group of Oil Companies and Water Meter Manufacturers: Charges Price-Fixing Conspiracy
- Registration Opens for ‘Tiny Tot’ Recreation Program: Child Must be at Least 3-years and 10-months-old by September 2nd
- Planning Commission Approves Lake and Cocktail Restaurant for Proposed 684-Apartment Complex at Lawrence Expressway and Granada Ave.
- Evan Zanker Suggests Board Bylaw Changes to Set Dates and Permanent Location for SCUSD Board Meetings
- Officials Say Chance of Joint Powers Agreement between City of Santa Clara and West Valley College District to Build Santa Clara College Campus is Dim
- Santa Clara University Riot Prevention Process Explained by University President: Working to Create Student Body Support for Campus Policies to Avoid Violent Protests Seen at Other Bay Area Universities
- Montague School Supply Cabinet Raided: Pair of Juveniles Suspected of Robbery
- Heritage Art on Display in Central Library Lobby: Local Artists’ Paintings Depict Historic Buildings and Scenes from Santa Clara’s Past