100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (November 7, 1919)
- New Ice Plant for County: Huge $500,000 Warehouse and Refrigerating Concern [Security Warehouse and Distributing Co.] to Add New Branch in San Jose
- President Wilson Appeals to American People to Aid Third Red Cross Roll Call
- Your Dollar to Red Cross is a Busy Dollar Accomplishing Much
- Red Cross Christmas Seals Girl [Beverly Hayes] Says Why to Buy Xmas Seals
- Senate Labor Committee Plans Education for All Aliens: Legislation Needed to Americanize Aliens
- Senator Phelan Wires Governor Complaining About Japanese Land Laws
- Civilian Use of the Airplane Increasing Rapidly
- John G. French Buys Jahnson Property at Corner of Jefferson and Santa Clara Streets
50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (November 5, 1969)
- Hank Hoover, Director of Investigative Services for the Department of Motor Vehicles Warns Car Buyers to Take Time: Beware of Fraud: Resist High Pressure Sales Tactics
- Bellomy Crossing Solution Found: City Council and SCUSD Tentatively Agree that Street Level Tunnel and Raising of Bellomy Street Could Fix Hazardous Crossing Situation on Bellomy Street Near Santa Clara High School
- City Limits Cats: 8-or-more Cats in a Household Will Require Cat Kennel Permit from County Health Department Per New City Animal Ordinance
- Santa Clara Paraplegic [Nancy Scott] Wins Honorable Mention for Her Oil Painting ‘Aqua Fantasy’ in State-wide Handicapped Artists Show in San Francisco
- Armed Men Hold-up Speedee Mart on Stevens Creek Blvd.
- 4 Strikers Arrested for Malicious Mischief at Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Plant in Santa Clara on October 28th
- Driver Not Always at Fault: Consumer Advocate Ralph Nader Says Car Manufacturers at Fault and Should be Liable for Injury Accidents When Steering Wheel Malfunctions or Mechanical Equipment in Auto is Defective
- Santa Clara Couple [Mr. & Mrs. James Carroll Wilcox] Hurt in 5-Car Accident on The Alameda Near Mission Drive
- ‘Movement to Restore Decency’ Group Hosts Discussion at De Anza College on Topic: ‘Acid-Rock Music, Youth, Drugs and Brainwashing’