100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (August 22, 1919)
- Civic Body Initiates Booster Drive: Chamber of Commerce Holds Special Meeting at City Hall to Open Campaign
- Great Demand for Government Food: Surplus Government Food Sales at Santa Clara Post Office Have Far Exceeded Expectations
- Santa Clara Woman’s Club Calendar Includes Reception for Pioneers in September, Special Festivities for Christmas Season, and a Lecture in January on the Topic: ‘How a Civic Club Can Best Serve The Community’
- High Praise for Local Insurance and Real Estate Man A.T. Helm by San Francisco Office of the Fire Insurance Co.
- New Central Market Opened: Proprietors Mr. Blanchard and Mr. Van Damme Credited with Bringing Outstanding Store to Santa Clara
- Red Cross Nurse Welcomed Home: Miss Ella Brown
- Local Boy Dies after Fall While Visiting Relatives in Boulder Creek: 4-year-old Charles Raymond Burrell
50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (August 20, 1969)
- ’Santa Clara Festival Days’ Plans Announced for September 27 to October 5: Activities to Include Showing of a NASA Film on the Moon Flight and a Display of Rockets and Moon Landing Equipment in Civic Plaza: Mission Center Mall will host Portuguese Night, Mexican American Night and Santa Clara Beauty Contest
- SCUSD Gets No Help from Budget Surplus: Only Extra Revenue: $150,000 from State
- Two Puppies Abandoned in Phone Booth at Santa Clara Railroad Station Rescued by Humane Society: Good Home Needed
- Bicycle Reported Missing in 1954 Found After Fifteen Years at Wilcox High School
- Dino’s Restaurant Delivery Boy Ambushed and Robbed While Delivering Take-out Spaghetti Dinners to Abandoned House
- Civic Center Garden Apartments Warns It Will Begin Enforcing Its ‘No Pet’ Policy: Pet-owners have to Move
- Colorful New Bus for Teens: ‘Federal Young Adult Library Project on Wheels’ Makes First Stop at Lafayette Park: Collection includes Paperbacks, Posters, and Records
- Former City Councilman James Viso Appointed to California Job Development Corporation Executive Board by Governor Ronald Reagan
- Big 430-unit Apartment Development North of Kaiser Dr. and between Kiely Blvd. and Pepper Tree Lane Nixed by Planning Commission
- United Fund Concerned with Contemporary Problems: Will Provide Funds to Police Activities League and Mexican American Community Services Agency