100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (April 9, 1920)
- Hiram Johnson’s Plan Means Sure Victory
- New School and Town Trustees: 3 School Board Members and 4 Town Trustees Elected; City Clerk and City Treasurer Re-Elected: 1007 Voted in Santa Clara Out of 1349 Registered
- First Airplane Mail Service Successful Undertaking: First Aerial Mail Carried Between Santa Clara and San Francisco by Aviator R.L Pennington
- Native Sons Banquet for Newly Elected Delegates
- Business Firm Changes Hands: Mrs. Anna Williams of Santa Clara Buys Candy Store
- Four-Ring Circus Coming to San Jose on April 14th
- Santa Clara Women’s Christian Temperance Union to Meet Today
50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (April 8, 1970)
- Historic Laundry Closes Its Doors: Andrew Roll, 81, Closes St. Claire Laundry, 2nd Oldest Laundry Business in County
- Andrew Roll Discusses Laundry Business: Wash & Wear Clothes and Increase in Home Washing Machines Affected Business: Also Reminisces about Santa Clara History Including his Memories of Great Earthquake of April 1906
- City Council Grants Santa Clara Vanguard $3,500 on 6-1 Vote
- Santa Clara Mission Campus of West Valley College District Scheduled for Completion in mid-1970s if Bond Measure Passes on June 2nd
- Future West Valley College District President Named: James P. Hardy to Replace Dr. Wallace Hall Who Retires July 31st
- One Robber Killed after Three Men Rob Two Jack-in-Box Stores on El Camino Real
- Final Santa Clara Philharmonic Performance Scheduled for April 17th at Buchser High
- Aim of Teenage Opportunity Placement Service (TOPS) Sponsored by Chamber of Commerce: Find Summer Jobs for Teens, 16 to 18-years-old
- Judging to Start for School Science Fair at County Fairgrounds on Tully Rd.
- All-day Countywide Music Festival for Youth Being Held at Wilson Intermediate School on Benton St.