Looking Back March 2017

Week of March 8th Headlines

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (March 7, 1917)

  • Bond Issue is Endorsed Here: Leading Men of County Favor Good Roads Bond Issue:
  • Concrete Roads Will Last Fifty Years: Expenditure of Bond Money Would Be Supervised by Santa Clara County Engineer Irving Ryder
  • Pioneer Citizen, Hugh D. Menton, 80 years, Passes Away: Came to Santa Clara in 1850: Educated at Santa Clara College: Organized and Captained County’s First Military Unit, Company H, 5th Regiment, California Militia
  • Chamber of Commerce Says Krohn Automobile Company of Oakland Needs Larger Site: Considering Santa Clara
  • A.J. Cronin, City Clerk, Presented with Hall Clock by Grand Officers of Foresters of America
  • Daring Robbery At Cupertino Store: Safe is Blown Up: Plan Thwarted by Vigilance of Store Manger, Mr. A. Wilson

50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (March 8, 1967)

  • Official Bond Decision Due: SCUSD Board to Make Decision on Scheduling a $9 Million Bond Election Next May
  • Electric Car is ‘Current’ Need: Dr. Richard Dorf, Head of Santa Clara University Electrical Engineering Department Envisions Driving Down Bayshore Freeway by Pushing Button and Letting Car Do Driving: System Would Use Electric Cars Under Computer Control
  • City Council Cuts Off Topless Bar Threat, Donald Hunter Denied Permit to Open Beer Parlor at 2185 El Camino Real
  • Filing All Over: Now the Race is On: Mayor Robert Maynard Will Not Run Again
  • ‘War on Crime’: Police Chief Candidate James McNamara Outlines His Platform for April 4th Election: Calls for More Organized Youth Programs
  • Santa Clara Boy, Gary Ratcliff, Selected to Play Piano in 5th UNICEF concert at San Jose Music Hall on Sunday
  • Let’s Keep Our City N.E.A.T.! — Can Manufacturers Institute to Sponsor County-wide Anti-Litter Campaign — the ‘National Effort to Attack Trash’

(compiled by Mary Hanel, Historic Preservation Society of Santa Clara)


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