Week of February 1st Headlines
100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (January 31, 1917)
- Merchant’s Association Organized in This City (to give information to the large chain of credit bureaus in State)
- Good Roads Committee Begins Active Campaign to Promote Bond Election
- Students Make Rapid Progress in Local Schools
- California is Mecca for Automobile Tourists: Surpasses Florida this Year
- Examinations to be Held for Postoffice Clerk and Carrier Jobs
- Birdman Art Smith May Locate Factory in Santa Clara: Exposition Aviator Planning Construction of an Aeroplane Assembly Plant)
- Funeral of Sea Captain Norman Dunbar is Held Under Auspices of Santa Clara Odd Fellows Chapter
- Margaret Jacobs Dies in City (28-year old daughter of highly esteemed City residents Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Jacobs dies of complications from appendicitis operation)
50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (February 1, 1967)
- Case of ‘Guts’ on the Line Stirs City Council (should Council or electorate decide feasibility of future redevelopment projects in 8-block area adjacent to Santa Clara University)
- Recreation Department ‘Going to the Dogs’: Mission City Dog Club, sponsored by Parks & Recreation Department, to Offer 10-Week Obedience Training Class
- Principal Floyd Davis Shifts Schools: Fremont Elementary School Principal to be Temporarily Assigned to Patrick Henry Intermediate School
- Chamber of Commerce Conducting Survey on Businesses Views of City Policies
- Crossing Widenings Ordered: California Public Utility Commission Authorizes Santa Clara and Sunnyvale to Reconstruct and Widen Two Crossings of Kifer Road over Southern Pacific Spur Tracks
- Wilcox High Family Life Series Meeting Focuses on Alarming Increase in Drug Use: Ex-Addict to Speak and Documentary Film, “Hooked,” to be Shown
- Vallco Industrial Park Goes Up in Cupertino (reprinted from January 31st issue of West Valley Times)
(compiled by Mary Hanel, Historic Preservation Society of Santa Clara)