Looking Back August 2017
Week of August 30th Headlines
100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (August 31, 1917)
- History of Growth of Bank of Italy Published by Bank Members
- Santa Clara Native Sons of the Golden West Aid at ‘Grizzly Dance’ Benefit
- Santa Clara Woman’s Club Programs for 1917-18 Announced: Includes a Pioneers Day in September
Ringling Bros. Circus Coming September 4th: Big Circus and Great Spectacle Occupies Five Trains Crammed with Wonders - Where are the Home Guard?: Over 150 Members Signed Up When Organization Formed But Interest Has Lagged: Attendance Gets Smaller at Each Meeting
- State Fair in Sacramento Has Many Features: Elaborate Entertainment Planned by Many Chapters of Native Sons of the Golden West and Musicians Coming from Bands Throughout State
50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (August 30, 1967)
- Former U.S. Army Combat Artist Philip G. Schuyler, 53, Picked to Head University of Santa Clara’s Fine Arts Department: Schuyler Served in World War II and Vietnam
- Parks and Recreation Department Slates “Tiny Tot” Pre-School Program at Maywood Park Next Month
- Santa Clara Sends Representatives to Washington, D.C. for ‘Power Go’: City Delegation Headed by Mayor Larry Marsalli to Confer with Officials of Department of the Interior and Bureau of Reclamation on Subject of Municipal Power and Concerns about P.G. & E. contract with Department of Interior
- Project PLAN (Program for Learning in Accordance with Needs) to Aid Schools: School Representatives to be Trained in How a Computer Can be Used to Plan, Schedule and Record the Progress of Each of Their Students in the Subjects of Science, Mathematics, Language Arts, and Social Studies
- Santa Clara’s Diane Shoemaker Wins Graduate Fellowship to Stanford University
- Santa Clara Chorale Auditions Start: Chorale Will Perform with City’s Philharmonic Orchestra
- Library Running Full Tilt: Book Check-outs Increasing Every Month
- Are Parents Hysterical About Achievement and Does it Lead to Unhappy Children?: Dr. Donald McNassor of Claremont College Warns Parents Not to Demand Impossible Performance Standards From Their Children
(compiled by Mary Hanel, Historic Preservation Society of Santa Clara)