2016 Measure B

Funding Category
Countywide Sales Tax
Active Date Range

Santa Clara County voters have approved 2016 Measure B, a 30-year, half-cent countywide sales tax to enhance transit, highways, expressways and active transportation (bicycles, pedestrians, and Complete Streets). A countywide sales tax provides a local revenue source that can be leveraged to help obtain additional funds through regional, state and federal fund sources. The measure passed by nearly 72%, the highest level of support for any Santa Clara County transportation tax. Collection of the tax began on April 1, 2017.

Transparency Website

Visit 2016measureb.vta.org for financial details about the projects, funding categories and areas you care about most. The site provides a window into the measure's revenue and expenditures, one more example of VTA's commitment to transparency.

Program Categories

2016 Measure B Program Category Logos
The VTA Board of Directors adopted guidelines for each of the nine Program Categories in 2017, and adopted a revised set of guidelines in August 2022. These guidelines are intended to direct the implementation of each program category and propose how the program category funds should be allocated – and can be found below. The categories and transportation projects eligible for 2016 Measure B funds are as follows: 

What's New

2016 Measure B Currently Open Call for Projects

Download the 2016 Measure B Program Annual Report for FY 2023

FY 2023 Annual Report 

Other languages: Español (Spanish) • Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) • 中文 (Chinese - Traditional) • 한국어 (Korean) • Tagalog

2016 MB FY23 Annual Report Cover Page













Monthly 2016 Measure B Program Placemat Update

The image is a summarized format of 2016 Measure B December 2024 activities performed. A plain-text version of the updates is included below.

Download the 2016 Measure B Update for December 2024


2016 Measure B Annual Reports

2016 Measure B Citizens' Oversight Committee

Among the provisions of the 2016 Measure B ballot approved by Santa Clara County voters is that “an independent citizens’ oversight committee shall be appointed to ensure that the funds are being expended consistent with the approved Program.”  The two primary responsibilities of the 2016 Measure B Citizens’ Oversight Committee (MBCOC) are to provide oversight to ensure that 2016 Measure B funds are being spent consistent with the ballot language and to inform voters on Program compliance. 

Agency Resources

2016 Measure B Program Manual

Contact Us

Please email us at 2016MeasureB@vta.org with any questions, input, or feedback about this program.