You can’t cry over spilled milk. Santa Clara’s Downtown saw its demise 60 years ago. What’s unconscionable is that Santa Clara still has no downtown. What’s unconscionable is next year alone when FIFA , Super Bowl, and other major events come to Santa Clara, we will again loose tons of money. Tourists money that neighboring cities will greatly benefit from. What’s unconscionable is that the money lost is attributed to the feud between the City and The 49ers management. What’s unconscionable is that the start of the Downtown is being held hostage by excuses that can easily be remedied, if the city chooses to make the decision to make its Downtown a priority. What’s unconscionable is, that we have known about all these moneymakers coming into town and have done nothing to prepare. There are no new hotels, no Downtown, no there there for Santa Clarans to gather. We are the orphans of the County. Every city around us are preparing and take pride in showcasing what they have to offer to the public who come from all over the world to watch the events held in Santa Clara’s 49er Stadium. My head hangs low in shame for my City.
Mary Grizzle
Co-Chair Reclaiming Our Downtown