Pruneridge Ave. Improvements – Letter to the Editor

Why is it that once funds are made available for any project, the first thing Officials can think to do are yet more studies than those already done to gain the appropriation in the first place?

Hedding/Winchester road diet works very well and should be continued from Winchester through to Chronin to complete the original project.  A center turn lane should also be provided over the full length of Pruneridge and motorist exiting the side streets on to Pruneridge should learn how to make full use of that center lane and not wait until traffic is clear in both directions before venturing out.

The idea that motorists (mostly Apple employees) would ever give up the Hedding/Pruneridge peaceful residential route direct shot to Apple parking lots for upgraded Stevens Creek or Homestead routes is a foolish.


Please remember that the Hedding/Pruneridge  from The Alameda in San Jose through Santa Clara to Tantau in Cupertino is practically 100% Residential on both sides