Letters from John K. Haggerty

When I attended the Santa Clara City Council and Mayoral Candidates’ Forum, co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters and our city’s Ethics and Values Program on October 9, 2014, I was greatly impressed by the leadership qualities exhibited by the candidates as well as their extensive knowledge of the important issues which face our city today. I urge each of our city’s voters to review the video of that forum which our city has made available to us at http://sireweb.santaclaraca.gov/sirepub/mtgviewer.aspx?meetid=1515&doctype=AGENDA and which will be rebroadcast by Cable Channel 15 and U-Verse Channel 99 on October 24th (7 pm) and November 2nd (11 am). The opening statements of the candidates begin in the 17th minute of that video. The government of our city is vitally important to each of us. An informed voter is a powerful voter.