Letter to the Editor by Victoria Mallon

Measure BB


As a 29- year resident of Santa Clara I’ve always supported the schools my son attended and have backed school bonds, understanding their importance. I’m writing in regard to Measure BB. While I endorse funding the infrastructure of our schools and paying teachers well for their often challenging jobs, I cannot support a school bond where there has been a documented history of fund misuse and poor oversight. Basic spending information for the Santa Clara Unified School District shows that bond funds have been used to buy such things as bottled water for bond employees. In addition, the number of SCUSD school administrators has increased from 43 (2013/2014 school year) to 54 (2016/2017). And per the Santa Clara Voice (7/4/18), SCUSD is still in deficit spending mode and has added 28 new managerial positions in the last 5 years. Please vote no on BB.


Victoria Mallon