Letter to the Editor by John McLemore

Follow the Money –  On 10/25/18 SJ Merc (page B1) had a news story regarding appointed Mayor Lisa Gillmor allegedly failing to disclose to the CA Fair Political Practices Commission for multiple years $100,000+ in income while being in a senior business position in a property advisory company.

The SC Weekly ran an excellent article in the 10/10 issue about the current campaign money trail. It was very thought-provoking to see where Ms. Gillmor received donations from: 42% from construction companies/developers/ property management companies + 28% from other real-estate related businesses while 67+% came from out-of-town interests and sent donations to other candidates in her seeming effort to gather followers into her clique. This seems to forecast that more big developments will magically be approved as has been the pattern in the last several years!

For the sake of our neighborhoods and the threat of increased traffic congestion it isn’t wise to vote for Ms. Gillmor and “her friends.” Pick other candidates to vote for to make your vote count against this continuing turmoil.



John McLemore

Former City Council Member