Letter to the Editor by James Rowen

Re: Calendars

The calendar articles demonstrate how corrupt some people have become. That Teresa ONeill who has become the most arrogant and corrupt council member in city history would use calendar notations to disguise her meetings with Jude Barry demonstrates her view that city residents are too stupid to be respected. Barry regards every Santa Claran as a moron. He even demands meetings with the City Attorney be noted as discussions over opioid abuse. Neither ONeill or Watanabe can operate a microwave without Jude Barry’s advice. These constant meetings with Barry show that there is a level of corruption among some council members. Lisa Gillmor is honest and sincere beyond evaluation, and Mahan and Kolstad are honest and able. Davis is there for comic relief, and ONeill and Watanabe are there to be the gophers for Jude.

James Rowen