Letter From Rich Solis

With the flip of a switch, our city council has started a process that will displace thousands of loyal patrons of the city’s golf course, not to mention the hundreds if not thousands of kids that take part in the tennis camps, the junior golf programs and the BMX bike track, as well as the individuals that will lose their jobs.

If the residents of the city allow this to go forward, it will be a huge mistake.

There should be more focus put forth on a plan that would be much more beneficial to the city than Santana Row on steroids.


This resident has such a plan that has three phases to it that will accomplish the following:

The plan will generate millions in revenue for the city’s general fund, it will turn a city-owned venue into a must go to destination and, most important, it will finally address the issue of where a resident can go within our city.

The most important part of this plan is it does not displace anyone. In fact, it would do just the opposite by accomplishing three significant goals for the city.