Letter From Pat Alves

In all the references made regarding the needed housing is the word, “affordable”. I think this is a new word to describe the listing of something costly. In none of the articles is a number attached to it. Is affordable $200 or $2000, or is it more? Can a senior living on a fixed income of less than $30,000 a year qualify?? Does it mean that all the other units in the complex are not “affordable”? Can a family live in these “affordable: homes without a back yard for a child to play? These construction firms are in business to make money, I understand that. But on whose backs will this debt be carried?

We have a housing problem but are we looking at it in such a way that the future will be even more difficult. I recall years ago when our “downtown” was demolished due to urban renewal, and it was never to be seen again even though groups are trying to revive it. It is gone, but not forgotten. This “affordable” housing may be today’s example of our lost “downtown”.