Letter from Michael O’halloran

Dominic Caserta has been a go to Council member in my neighborhood.
He challenges concerns and requests, but most importantly, listens!
He’s articulate and persuasive for the positions he arrives at.
The neighborhood had very basic issues with road & sidewalk maintenance. There was significant opposition exclaiming overhaul costs as high as $13 million. Ultimately, it was completed as an award winning solution for projects under $5 million! If Dominic, working with other Council members, hadn’t pushed back, that project wouldn’t have happened.
There are also county-wide needs.
El Camino Real is a key traffic corridor for the Valley. Likewise, on my side of town, is Stevens Creek Boulevard. Unlike ECR, it cuts through with Santa Clara on one side and San Jose on the other. As things stand now, road and traffic jurisdiction falls to San Jose. Decisions and actions are heavily weighted to their interests.
We need County solutions that address these “border wars”. Dominic can work with businesses, developers and existing neighborhoods. It helps that he lives in Santa Clara, but I know he’s walking and talking… and again listening, on both sides of the road.
I urge voters to choose Dominic Caserta for County Supervisor.