Letter from Kate Grimes

Dear Editor,
Month after month, the Santa Clara WEEKLY accurately reports and exposes the desperate need for change on the Santa Clara Unified School District board. For this reason, I urge readers to vote for Mr. Ratermann, Ms. Muirhead and Ms. Sallings for SCUSD school board.

Andy Ratermann has proven to be a voice of reason on our board and has earned my vote for Trustee Area 3. In Trustee Area 2, Jodi Muirhead and Noelani Sallings will bring fresh perspectives and collaborative experience in education.

These three candidates will help our school board do their best work in overseeing the district’s business of educating children. They do not hold personal agendas to better only one school or group of people but will strive to provide the best educational environment for all students. They will listen respectfully to all stakeholders and work collaboratively to achieve consensus.


For respectful, responsible and reasonable people on the SCUSD board please join me in voting for Andy Ratermann, Jodi Muirhead and Noelani Sallings.