Letter from James Rowen

The soccer park saga has many elements to it. Santa Clara is a haven to good government and big and small business as well as youth sports. There is something delicious about youth soccer to the community appetite of a town. I can testify that Santa Clara did make a commitment to a youth soccer park, and while Lisa Gillmor may be a torch bearer, she is also the soccer mom who had to operate the family while Jamie Matthews took off to find himself. The Youth Soccer has become that patch of ground, the “Kashmir of Santa Clara,” for all the wrong reasons. The soccer league parents have a right to adopt John Muir attitude towards the park, but while the soccer park advocates should be strongly active fighting for justifiable reasons, acting like a troop of political storm troopers is not a good idea. The dark money group who defamed good candidates deserves tar and feathering, but Santa Clara is not Salem. The Niners created this quagmire, but some self appointed accusers want to broaden this political sinkhole to every issue. Youth soccer is the fabric of Santa Clara, so is the Bill of Rights.