Letter From David Fatland

Re Milesones

I appreciated that your latest Milestones brought up the point that so many non-profits earn a lot of money on July 4th. Being associated with Buchser Music Association, we could make several thousand dollars selling Kettle Korn if we have the crowds that would come to see the fireworks. No crowds, a lot less money for us and the other non-profits. We were very disappointed when the city council turned down Clear Channels offer to pay for the program.

Somehow, Great Americas offer to give Santa Clara residents half off tickets ( with parking is around $100 for my family ) to see a fireworks show on July 3 is not quite the same. A huge opportunity for the city is probably lost if the council doesn’t see fit to reconsider the issue.


Your article has been the only one I’ve read that recognizes the loss for non-profits especially in this economy.